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×Angie POV×

The boys were absolutely against taking another car besides their own to River Pass, so I gave in, not wanting to further encourage that power play Dean had going on.

He was so sure that I'd leave everything just to come help this Rufus guy I never heard of. And the part that really bothered me was, that Dean had been completely right.

No matter how hard I tried to hide my reactions from him, sometimes it was like he knew me better than I knew myself which was grotesque considering I almost didn't know him at all.

He looked at me through the rear view window every single time there was a song on the radio that I liked.
And it wasn't even that I sang along or nodded my head to the rhythm, I didn't even move in the slightest and still he exactly knew.

Being in this car brought up the first memory I had after my sister's death. That tensed drive with Sam who was trying to explain to me what I did in order to kill Alastair.

By the time we stopped I was stressed and almost exhausted from trying to do nothing, trying to show nothing.
"Are we there?", I asked, not able to hide my impatience.

"We're kinda at an impass, I'd say.", Dean growled and him and his brother simultaneously got out of the Impala. I was following them to see what was going on.

We were standing in front of a river, the bridge that led into the town completely destroyed. Its remains had fallen down, some of the smaller pieces probably washed away from the water.

"It's the only road in or out.", Dean let us know. "Rufus was right, demons got this place locked down."

He tugged on his jacket and I just couldn't look away. I thought he was gorgeous in his barkeeper uniform but those worn out jeans, the plain black shirt layered with a flannel and a jacket did something to me.

Of course, his simple ensemble didn't do anything to take away from his hotness, which was just rude.
This outfit seemed so much like himself which made me like it more than the dressed up fake version of him on that cruise.

I got chills - not sure if it was entirely because of Dean or more because of the cold wind that hit me right this second. Why was I always so damn cold? I really didn't want to walk all the way into town and freeze by the time I got there.

"We can get a helicopter.", I proposed and this time, neither of them argued with me that it was unnecessary and ridiculous.

I got out my phone but it wasn't working. Without further comment I handed it Sam. He was the tallest one of us, if anyone would succeed it'd be him.

Sam was trying to get a signal, launching his arm high up in the sky but I could tell by his face that it still didn't work.
"Looks like we're hiking in."

"This is a great start.", I snorted. "Just great."

So we were walking into town, me in the middle between the brothers, all three of us armed with everything we could carry.

The town was freakishly silent except for a sprinkler going off in someones front yard. It would've been almost peaceful if it weren't for the tossed over cars and the shattered glass on the streets.
Noone was saying a word.

Everything seemed abandoned. Sam and Dean were checking out a car, looking for hints while I was looking through the window of a house next to us.

I felt a presence at the same time I heard a gun clicking.
Silently, I turned around seeing that a woman had her gun pointed at Sam and Dean.

Destiny ~ Dean Winchester (love story), part twoWhere stories live. Discover now