Chapter 5 - Bonding

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After school that day Hawks flew over and landed on the roof of the school where he had told Cheshire to meet him at.

He wanted to take her into town even if the hero commission would kill him for taking in a villain. It didn't matter to him. All that mattered was Cheshire.

She was beautiful, smart, spunky, and brave. 'No!' He thought to himself. 'I can't like her she is a villain!'

But no matter how often he to himself that it wasn't working. All day she had been on his mind. Someday she would be his, but not today.

Y/n P.O.V
I met with Hawks on the roof of the school like Hawks asked. There he was, standing there staring off into space.

"Hey" I greeted with a small wave. I still didn't fully trust him but he seemed okay most of the time.

"How was school baby bird?" He asked, putting a wing around me. I jumped away, glaring at him ready to attack.

"Woah woah what's wrong!?" He shouted frantically, trying to figure out what had frightened me.

"Don't touch me" I grumbled, crossing my arms nervously but I held my glare, meeting his worried eyes.

"Sorry baby bird" he apologized, using that stupid nickname again.

"Must you call me that? I mean I'm a cat. Cats hunt birds" I pointed out, my tail swaying side to side behind me.

"Yup! Anyways I wanna take you into town, we could go visit the festival that's here right now." Hawks suggested, walking toward me but stopping when he remembered what o had said about being touched. Instead he just began to walk towards the edge, adjusting the settings to my bracelet.

"Meet me here okay?" He told me, pointing to a place at the beginning of a long main road. I nodded and teleported over there. Hawks quickly joined me and we jumped/flew down to the ground.

We began walking down the streets and I was already getting strange looks from people, mainly females.

"Hawks! Hawks! Will you do a quick interview for me?" A reporter asked, running up to us and shoving me aside.

"Uhhh sure!" Hawks replied, giving the woman his signature smile as I watched as the woman blushed. Why did that make me angry?

"Who is this girl? Your personal hoe maybe?" She questioned, pointing to me. Before Hawks or me could reply another girl spoke up.

"No she must be an assistant or something! Hawks would never stoop so low as to cheat on me with some ugly bitch!" She announced.

I looked up at Hawks and he looked confused as hell. I have him a questioning glance and he just shrugged.

"Don't be sad darling, it's not your fault he doesn't want you" he woman teased, shoving me down. She touched me. Oh hell no!

I got ready to attack her, baring my fangs and flexing my claws. I also realized Hawks never turned back on my bracelet again, so I had my full quirk to work with.

"Aww is someone jealous?" Another girl laughed at me, I think she was part of the girl that TOUCHED me's gang.

"Cheshire don't" Hawks said in a warning tone. I didn't hear him though, I just leaped for the girl.

I was then wrapped up in red wings. Hawks was holding me back knowing that one wrong move and I would be in Tartarus.

"LET GO YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I screamed at him, feeling the touches of all the men my dad used to leave me with for nights to make money. Sadly I had lost my virginity at 8.

He didn't let go so I used my quirk and teleported out of his grasp, sending everyone around me into a panic. They had realized who I was.

I glared at everyone around me, all of the memories flooding my head. Then my body filled with immense pain, causing me to scream in agony.

Hawks had lowered the range so he could get to me.

I continued to scream and cry, until Hawks made it over to me and changed the range again, attempting to help me up.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted, teleporting back to his house where I ran to my room crying.

I never cried. I learned very young that hiding your emotions was best, it kept you safe. That's why I always smiled, to hide the broken little girl that was inside of me.

But now I cried into a pillow, still feeling the hands touching me and how each man would fuck me mercilessly, not caring how much pain it caused.

My makeup stained the white pillowcase but I didn't care, I just wanted to go home. Whenever I felt like this I would tease someone to distract myself, sometimes even meet up with Dabi if it got too bad.

I wanted to go home and feel safe. I wanted someone who wouldn't betray me. Someone I could trust. Dabi was my older brother basically, but I wanted someone to love me more than that.

While I was having my mental breakdown I don't heard Hawks come in the door, frantically searching for me.

Hawks P.O.V
I flew home as quickly as possible. I had checked all the possible places that Cheshire could be, her house, rooftops, I had even gone to all of her favorite pro heroes to torment at night's patrol routs, but I didn't find her.

I ran inside and immediately I heard crying. Oh god I really fucked up didn't I.

I slowly made my way up the stairs to Cheshire's room, opening the door slowly and poking my head in.

There she was, curled up on her bed crying her heart out. Her pillowcase was stained purple and black from her makeup but I wasn't worried about that. I was worried about her.

"Oh baby bird" I whispered, but that was enough to alert her that I was here as she shot up, whiling her eyes quickly and putting back on her Cheshire Cat grin.

"What do you want?" She growled, a smile on her face but I could hear the hostility dripping in her words.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have touched you or used the bracelet zapper" I apologized, but that only seemed to break her walls down even more because she began to cry again, burying her face in the pillow to muffle her sobs and hide her tears.

I didn't know what to do so I just pulled the covers over her shaking body, petting her arm a few times before walking into her bathroom.

I ran her a warm bath and when I came back out to get her she was sitting up, hugging her pillow with an emotionless look on her face but so much pain in her eyes.

"I ran you a bath, why don't you go get in and I'll make dinner" I suggested. She didn't reply, didn't even nod. She just sat there like she hadn't even heard me.

I wanted to know what was wrong but it seemed like talking wasn't going to snap her out of whatever this was and I knew that touching her was the source of this whole ordeal, so I just left to go to the kitchen and make dinner.

When I came back into her room with the freshly made spaghetti, she hadn't moved at all, the bath water most likely cold now.

I set her food down on her nightstand and drained the water from the bathroom. She still hadn't moved a muscle.

I decided to leave her be, so I walked out and closed the door gently. Walking into my room I felt guilt take over my knees hit the floor as I cried into my hands. 'I did this to her' was all I thought as I laid in bed restlessly all night.

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