Chapter 13 - New Arrangements

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- Y/n needs a legal guardian and Hawks doesn't wanna do it cause he knows he loves her.
- Ragdoll adopts her.


Lights flashing everywhere. What was happening? Was someone hurt?

I looked around only to realize it was paparazzi. Of fucking course it was. A microphone was shoved in my face.

"How does it feel to be married to the number 2 pro hero?" A reporter asked, her voice barely able to hear over all the other questions being shouted at me.

I looked around again, having to do a double take as I realized I was in a long white dress. It was like a wedding dress...

I snapped out of my train of thought as another question was hurled my way, "how is it to know that you were once one of the worst villains out there?"

Once? Was I really a hero now? I can't believe I did it!

These reporters are getting irritating...




I shot up in bed, looking over to see Himiko looking irritated as she stood with horrible bed head, holding my phone which was buzzing from my alarm.

That was a weird ass dream.

"Sorry Himiko, let me turn that off" I take my phone from her and turn off the alarm before slowly rolling out of bed to get ready.

Because of all the villains being sent to attend UA, I decided to stay in the dorms with them. Today was the first day back at school.

It had been a hectic few weeks since the incident with All For One and All Might's retirement.

The first issue we had run into was figuring out who the underaged villains's guardians would be.

Of course Tomura, Compress, Magne, and Dabi were adults so that wasn't a problem, but Twice, Spinner, Himiko, and me all needed a guardian.

Nezu had been able to pull some strings with his connections to the police and made it so that Compress could be Spinner and Twice's legal guardian, but funny enough Midnight wanted to adopt Himiko.

Of course the girl who basically had lived with all boys minus Magne or alone for literal years was overjoyed that, her words not mine, "a beautiful hero wants to adopt me!"

And me? Well that was our current issue along with some of the thankfully dwindling paparazzi accusations.

So currently the debate was whether Keigo wanted to adopt me, but unknown to be he had already declined the idea for "personal reasons."

I got dressed, lending one of my uniforms to Himiko while they were getting her one that would fit.

"Let's go let's go let's go!" She cheered, bouncing up and down as I allowed the blonde to drag me downstairs.

I had learned that Bakugo was an amazing cook, so of course I went straight to the dining table when I smelled food.

After the entire class ate and helped clean dishes we collectively walked to the main building for class.

Himiko was told to introduce herself, and instead of calling herself 'Himiko Toga' she said 'Himiko Kayama', which was Midnight's last name.

( 0 0 )

Class was long and honestly boring. I could tell Himiko was ready to be done too until we got to hero training.

I got changed and she got to try on her newly made hero suit. It was honestly very revealing kinda like Midnight's but not as bad. It also had straps on both legs for blood samples to transform.

"Hey girls, would you mind if I took a bit of your blood for my quirk?" She asked softly. It was cute how surprised the blonde was to know that the girls were more than happy to donate some blood to her.

The boys were too, well some took a bit of convincing, but we got there eventually! That was obviously expected though.

Something I didn't anticipate from today was that we'd return to the dorms only for me to be called up to Nezu's office.

I teleported there because I didn't feel like walking up a ton of stairs and when I arrived I saw Nezu, Keigo, Aizawa, and Ragdoll.

"Did I do something?" I asked almost immediately, unsure of how else to react.

They all laughed. "No dear, you're not. Since you need a legal guardian I wanted to know if you'd let me adopt you" Ragdoll said kindly, a praying look on her face.

My grin changed. It wasn't my regular Cheshire grin, it was a happy smile. Those are rare from me.

"YES!" I shouted, my tail involuntarily wagging so harshly that I knocked over some papers off of Nezu's desk. He didn't seem to mind though.

Ragdoll laughed and hugged me, to which I returned said hug even tighter. I hated a lot of people, but she just had something about her that I couldn't hate.

So there I sat for the next hour signing papers to solidify this adoption. We talked about where I'd live (the dorms), who would pay my tuition and everything (still UA), and most importantly what I'd refer to her as from now on (I decided on mom).

I finally had a family that I had never gotten. Maybe I could finally change for the better.
Someday I might even have a normal life.

If only that damn bird wasn't so fucking hot.

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