Chapter 11 - Not All Heroes Are Bad

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The next day I woke up with a surprising amount of energy. I was ready to face whatever torture Mr. Aizawa had planned for us all today.

What I didn't prepare for however, was that Tiger, one of the 4 Wild Wild Pussycats, would recognize me.

"You" he growled, seemingly ready to attack me the moment I moved even a muscle.

When I was still living on the streets I had come into contact with Tiger's little brother who was 19 at the time, while I was 14.

His brother, we can call him Tiger Junior (TJ) since I don't know how real name, decided that my quirk made it look like I was just asking to be fucked.

I wasn't.

I hated every moment that he touched me until I got the point that I snapped and stabbed him repeatedly, leaving bite and scratch marks.

This was one of my first murders that I was even a suspect, let alone proven guilty. Tiger had found me with his brother of course.

Suddenly he was on top of me, pinning me down with my arms pulled behind my back painfully.

"Tiger! Let go of my student!" Mr. Aizawa ordered, using his scarf to rip Tiger off of me and hold him down.

I was a bit dazed when sitting up but I noticed that Ragdoll and Mandalay had moved in front of me protectively while Pixie Bob scolded Tiger.

Although the three girls knew what I had done, they were still protecting me. That made me feel really happy for some reason.


I was tired, hungry, dirty, soaking wet, and overall just feeling disgusting.

Mr. Aizawa chose to have me practice fighting with Pixie Bob, who was having me attack the dirt monsters she created and practice fighting without using my teleportation.

In the process of this however, I had been pushed into 3 different ponds and 2 mud puddles, giving me the most gross feeling ever. I had half a mind to just teleport to the ocean to wash off then to some really hot desert to I'm dry again, but that wouldn't go over with Mr. Aizawa very well. That and he still keeps my range on even if it's the entire forest.

Keigo on the other hand always had it off whenever I was with him, which if you really think about it is a horrible idea but the thing is that if I did teleport away he could lower the range so wherever I was I would be continually zapped until someone found me.

Anyways eventually training ended and we began to make our food, which was an activity I decided to opt out of, so instead I just went into the forest and hung out in a tree, laying there enjoying nature.

The food that my class had made was disgusting, but I didn't even help make it nor have I ever been good at cooking so I can't really complain.

The real fun began when we were doing the scare test that night. Mandalay had me help 1B on scaring because she knew I'd be good at that given my past.

Not too long after though, I could smell the smoke. Not just any was Dabi's cremation.

"What the hell..." I whispered as a purple gas spread around me and I felt tired. "Shit"

"Lights out~"


I woke up tied to a chair loosely in an unfamiliar bar. Looking around I noticed that Toga was here.

"Toga?" I called hoarsely, my throat dry making me cough. The girl immediately jumped up and got water for me, as well as untying my hands and feet.

I took a seat next to her on the couch as Dabi walked in with his arm around some blue haired chick. I thought he was dating a boy?

"Ah, so you're awake" the voice came from the blue haired girl, but it was raspy and deep. When she lifted her head I mentally slapped myself. That was a boy.

"Y/n, this is Tomura Shigaraki, my boyfriend. Tomura, this is The Cheshire Cat, or Y/n, my best friend" Dabi said. Holy fucking shit his voice is not normally that deep. Does he lower it around them? That's fucking gold.

I smiled and shook Tomura's hand, in which he was wearing artist cloves, before beginning to make conversation.

"We found out that All For One was using me...I don't really wanna be evil anymore" Tomura sighed. Spinner, who I had been introduced to as well along with Magne, Twice, and Compress, agreed.

"I only became a villain because I wanted equality for people with physical quirks like mine, and Magne wanted trans rights." He explained. I felt genuinely bad for them, and in the back of my mind I wondered if Nezu could help them like he was me.

Suddenly I heard a deep voice screaming and realized that Katsuki Bakugo had been tied up in the corner the entire fucking time and I somehow didn't see him.

After a bit of back and forth arguing the heroes showed up and Tomura called on All For One to help him. I don't think he really wanted to but I could tell he was putting his family, the league, first.

I tasted some black goo in my mouth before I was teleported to an open area next to a man in all black with a breathing mask on.

Dabi and Kurogiri were knocked out, Tomura was fussing over Dabi, Spinner and Magne were coughing, and Mr. Compress was comforting Toga and Twice who had both vomited from the taste of the goo.

I looked up at All For One as he slowed made his way over to Tomura, placing a hand roughly on the smaller male's shoulder and dragging him to stand up away from Dabi.

"Forget him Tomura Shigaraki. He doesn't matter" All For One said, which clearly pissed my best friend's boyfriend off to no end.

"No! I'm done with you using me like your little puppet! The league is done being evil!" He shouted, on the verge of tears.

I saw Bakugo run off to some of 1A, and then he hugged one of them, though I couldn't tell who. It was definitely a guy though.

As I heard an explosion I saw Tomura on the ground, head bleeding, as the league backed together around him, Dabi, and Kurogiri protectively.

I snarled, and I was about ready to attack All For One when All Might showed up, and I figured it would be best to let him handle it.

Some other heroes showed up, including Keigo. They all began to get citizens away from the area so All Might could fight, but the moment the red winged hero saw me him, Midnight, and some others I didn't know came running over.

They had seen how Tomura stood up to All For One and were willing to help get them to safety as well, even if they were still villains.

Maybe not all heroes are bad.

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