Chapter 6 - Panic Room

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⚠️Warning: This chapter contains sensitive content like panic attacks You may skip this chapter and I will put a brief explanation in the start of the next chapter⚠️

Don't play the song until I say so
Y/n P.O.V
Everything was numb. It had been a week since that incident and I hadn't left my room other than to use the bathroom. I hadn't been to school, and Hawks refuses to go to work, especially since I have eaten and drank very little in this time.

Hawks will come in once or twice a day and try to get me to eat. Usually I do eat a little just to make him happy, but this state I'm stuck in makes everything 10x harder.

I just wanna die but I also don't want to leave my friends. Dabi wouldn't be able to go on without me and I don't want to think about what would happen to Hawks.

I was just stuck. Most of the time I was having flashbacks of different 'clients' as my parents called them doing 'what they were paying for' to me. Some were of mom and dad leaving. Some of my friends leaving me because of my quirk or the way I acted.

'Everyone left me.'

Those words repeated in my head at all times.

'No one loves you'

That was a close second. I didn't sleep because if I did I would just dream of someone hurting me or leaving me.

'I can't trust anyone'

This is why that's my motto. Everyone but Dabi has left me. I can't help but think I'm just some kid Dabi has to take care of though.

I don't want to do this anymore! But I'm not ready to leave yet either.

Hawks P.O.V
"Hawks you have to come in soon. You can't just stay on 'sick' days forever. I know your not sick and if you don't get your ass outside soon I'm coming to your house and dragging you out myself. Is it because of that girl? Is that what this is about?" My best friend Mirko asked over the phone.

Everyone has been calling me because I haven't left the house in a week. How could I? Cheshire wouldn't eat, barely moved, never replied when I talked to her. I had heard her screaming at night having nightmares but I'm still afraid to touch her.

I hung up on the bunny hero and walked back into Cheshire's room. I expected her to be on her bed like always but she wasn't. I heard quiet singing from the bathroom and saw her standing in front of the mirror, cried hard as she sang.

(Start song)

Hell raising, hair raising
I'm ready for the worst
So frightening, face whitening
Fear that you can't reverse

My phone has no signal
It's making my skin crawl
The silence is so loud
The lights spark and flicker
With monsters much bigger
Than I can control now

Welcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna
Come for you, come for you
Welcome to the panic room
You'll know I wasn't joking
When you see them too, see them too

Welcome to the panic room
(Welcome to the
Welcome to the
Welcome to the
Welcome to the)

Still waiting, hands shaking
Maybe the coast will clear
But these voices, these strange noises
They followed me in here

My phone has no signal
It's making my skin crawl
The silence is so loud
The lights spark and flicker
With monsters much bigger
Than I can control now

Welcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna
Come for you, come for you
Welcome to the panic room
You'll know I wasn't joking
When you see them too, see them too

Welcome to the panic room
(Welcome to the
Welcome to the)

There's no crying wolves now
'Cause the truth has settled in
Hiding under goose down
For your nightmare to begin
There's no crying wolves now (welcome to the, welcome to)
'Cause the truth has settled in (welcome to the, welcome to the)
Hiding under goose down (welcome to the, welcome to the)
For your nightmare to begin (welcome to the, welcome to the)

Welcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna
Come for you, come for you
Welcome to the panic room
You'll know I wasn't joking
When you see them too, see them too

Hell raising, hair raising
I'm ready for the worst

When she had finished she was on her knees sobbing into her hands. I didn't know what to do but she began shaking as she sobbed, cried tiring into shrill screams as she gripped her hair tightly, backing into a wall.

I was now scared. She looked like she was in pain but there was nothing there. Her eyes were unblinking as her stared into nothing, screaming and crying. Thank god I didn't have any neighbors or someone would think a murder was happening.

Her eyes began frantically searching the room, landing on me. Her eyes were desperate, pleading me to help her but I didn't know how.

I slowly walked over to her, holding out my hand so she could register I wanted to touch her.

I plopped down next to her on the floor and she immediately clung to my shirt, sobbing into my chest soaking the fabric.

"There everywhere. I can't do this it's gonna kill me" she whispered. I had no clue what she meant until I remembered something I had learned in the early stages of the hero commission training.

Panic attacks. That's what this was. She must be a person who had a panic room, and that's where she is stuck right now.

We learned that when someone is in this state you have to either knock them out or snap them out of the state of panic.

I decided to wrap my wings around her and pull her into my lap, rocking her trembling body gently.

Gradually she seemed to come back to earth, her eyes becoming alive for the first time all week and her tense body finally relaxing.

"What caused this baby bird? I was so worried" I muttered, not intending for her to hear me.

"M-my parents. They hated me, so when I was 10 they ditched me since I was old enough to survive alone according to them. In the time I lived with them from age 8 to 10 they would sell me to random guys for a night. The men would use me for sex and they never gave me mercy. W-when people kept touching me it brought they all back. That's why I don't like being touched" she whispered, causing me to inhale a silent gasp of air.

Her parents really did that to her? Oh wow.

"You don't have to tell me but, what is your real name? I won't tell anyone" I asked curiously. Maybe she would trust me enough to tell me.

"Y/n. Y/n L/n. Please don't tell anyone they're send me back to them" she whimpered, clinging to my shirt again.

"I won't I promise. When it's just us call me Keigo by the way. That my name. Keigo Takami." I replied back.

We stopped taking after that. I just held her close on the floor while she sat in silence.

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