Chapter 7 - Meet The Pro's

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Cheshire has a panic attack and Hawks has to calm her. She also tells him her real name, Y/n L/n.

I was on the floor holding a sleeping Y/n when suddenly my front door burst open and I heard a few familiar voices.

"HAWKS GET YOUR BIRD ASS DOWN HERE!" Rumi yelled, about to run up the stars to my room.

Y/n jolted awake and cling to me for a second, worrying me she would go back into that state again.

I stroked her hair and shushed her gently, trying to calm her down. She didn't say anything but her breathing slowed so I picked her up bridal style and walked downstairs to see a bunch of my pro hero friends.

Best Jeanist, Rumi, Enji, Aizawa, and Present Mic. They were all standing in my living room shocked as they looked at the now sleeping file in my arms.

Of course the two UA teachers knew she was here but the others just saw a villain, immediately freaking out.

"HAWKS WHAT THE FUCK THAT'S A VILLAIN!! WE CAUGHT HER SHE SHOULD BE IN TARTARUS!" Enji yelled, waking Y/n and causing her to begin to shake.

I saw down on the couch with her and gently rocked her, forgetting about everyone else in the room. Aizawa came and sat next to me, followed by Mic and Jeanist.

"What happened Hawks?" Aizawa whispered, upset at seeing the normally energetic girl so fragile.

"Someone pushed her while we were in public, she tried to attack them so I held her back. She got scared and then began to act like this. Aizawa I don't know what's wrong please help her. Her name is Y/n if that helps" I told him, not even thinking about how I just broke my promise.

"Y/n L/n? As in the girl that was up for renting for a 'night of fun' for two years? That girl we couldn't save because we couldn't track her down? That's why she doesn't like being touched, she's scared someone will rape her again" Mic said in shock, looking down at the girl in my arms.

"Cheshire? They will never hurt you again I promise. You will be okay" Jeanist whispered to my the girl in my arms. She looked up at him and nodded weakly, moving out of my arms and next to me, still slightly clinging to me though.

"How are you feeling Chesh?" I asked, holding her head against my chest as she settled in my arms.

"It was so scary. I just kept reliving every client, all the times mom and dad hit me, when they left. Everyone leaves me. Everyone but him left me. Are you gonna leave too?" She muttered, looking up at me in question. I knew she was talking about Dabi, but with all the other pro's here she knew better than to say his name.

"Never. Your stuck with me kitty" I teased, smiling triumphantly when she let out a little giggle. I looked up and saw Aizawa, Jeanist, and Mic looking at me happily.

"So why is she here again?" Rumi asked, tilting her head causing the bunny ears on top to flop to the side.

"Nezu wanted her to attend UA so she is in Hawks's custody." Aizawa said, looking down at the girl who was asleep again with her head in my lap while I subconsciously stroked her hair gently.

Rumi nodded and we all began to talk, minus Enji who had left as soon as he came up with an excuse to. Suddenly everyone went silent though.

I looked down at Y/n and believe it or not she was purring. Every time I scratched her ears she would let out a loud purr. It was unbelievably cute I thought I might die.

"She trusts you Hawks, don't break her please" Aizawa told me before him and Mic also left, soon followed by Jeanist and then finally Rumi.

Everyone was gone so I turned on a show and fell asleep with Y/n's head in my lap.

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