Meeting him is a curse

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Hi I'm Y/N doctor Y/N to be exact. I am an intern in one of the best hospital in India which is Satya hospital in Hyderabad. I live alone as I don't have family anymore mu only family was my mom who passed away few years ago after that I'm all alone.

I was done with my internship when my friends came to me "Done?" Gautam asked I nodded smiling at him , I saw other friends behind him Surya and Vivek "Let-" before vivek could complete his sentence his phone rang "Hello? What? " He looked worried then he looked at us hanging up his phone "Guys theirs a problem" He looked at us "What?" We asked in unison " As you guys knew we are applying for internship so we need some official papers for them and we can get them only in police station."
We looked at each other "So what's the problem?" surya asked "Tomorrow is the last day we need them before tomorrow" Three of them looked at each other and "What??" they said in unison "Come on we need to go their, stop wasting time" I told them "You are coming? Surya asked I nodded. " You don't need to"he said "Yes I know I don't need to but I want to" They sighed and we all left.

We all entered police station but their was only one officer and he was looking tensed.
"What happened? " Vived asked officer.
"Someone is going to attack us" Officer told us before we could react their was loud noise outside.
"Open the door officer" Someone said with his deep and scary voice.
"He is here" Officer whispered.
He looked at us in panic and said "Close all the doors and windows"
We nooded soon we closed all the doors and windows and blocked them with cupboards.
"Sir what is happening?" Gautam asked officer.
"He is Das a gangster he came here with his men to get his brother."
He told us pointinv towards a prison their we saw some people standing and one person was sitting so he is his brother I guess.
"First, make her leave." He said pointing at me.
I looked confused at him and he noticed so he looked at me and said
" You don't know what they will do with you." I understood.

We were talking when I saw some one coming down from stairs I looked their and pointed my finger in that direction everyone stopped talking and looked their when I saw a man coming down. He has brown shade skin which is dark but not disguted, he has beard which is not too big and not too small,
but he has that scary aura while coming down he lit a cigarette and smoked once then threw that away "Give me prison key." his voice it's deep so he is that guy from door.
When he was coming towards us Gautam Surya and Vivek attacked him while and started beating him and that man tried to defend himself and yes he did he was very powerful. Soon he stared getting tired and fell on the floor we thought he fainted so everyone become busy with their own thing and I was sitting their alone.
I don't know what happened to me before I can know I was already in front of Das I sat beside him took my handkerchief and stared cleaning his face softly "It might hurt" I said softly when suddenly he opened his eyes I became shock and fell on my butt. He stood back and started coming towards me I was still sitting on floor but some how I manged to slide myself back with help of my hands. He was coming near and I was trying my best to stay away from him , looking at him with fear in my eyes.
He was going to touch me when someone pushed him I saw and they were my friends.

Officer came towards me and handed me keys saying "Go and see which door is open, close it" Saying that he left I ran towards stairs when I saw Das coming towards me and saw him getting hold by my friends. So I left upstairs I ran straight and then left when I saw a door open and I knew Das came from here. I was going to lock that door when I saw that their was a thick wire going down stairs and it was moving little bit I went their slowly and saw someone climbing up with that wire before I could do anything he was already gripping on the balcony so I took safety pin from my pocket and stabbed him on his hands once twice and kept stabbing him until he fell down. I threw wire downstairs so no one else can climb up.

I turned around when I froze on my spot. He was standing in front of me
"Give me the keys" He asked me I nodded as no " I won't give you" he came close to me and shouted " GIVE ME THE FUCKING KEYS" I flinched badly I'm so scared. He held my wrist tightly and folded it on my back so we were really close my chest was touching his. I bought those keys in front of him when he left my hands I took the chance and threw those keys outside. Unfortunately, keys went inside well. I looked in front of me and I knew I screwed up Das was burning with anger. He griped on my hairs tightly "AHH! " I shouted but the person in front of me was feelingless
he kept holding on my hairs when I closedy eyes to calm myself down from pain. When he shouted "OPEN YOUR EYES" I flinched buy slowly opened my eyes to look at him, his eyes met mine teary one that's when I noticed how close we were, we were just an inch away from each other. "You need to pay for what you did" saying that he held my wrist tightly "Das leave me it's hurting, please" but he was not listening " Please leave me" He turned around "From now on it's going to hurt more" He kept looking at me and said "And yes you are coming with me"

"Where?" I asked being scared.
"To my house" He smirked

"No way, please Das leave me. Please!"
I begged him to leave.

"Come with me or I will kill your friends? Choose" He demanded

"No don't hurt them please" I don't want my friends to get hurt.

"Please Das don't do it." I begged him

"Choose" He said

I sobbed

"Fine I will come with you" He smirked and said "From now on I will make sure you owy for what you did."
Saying that he turned around and started walking.

'Meeting you was a curse' I thought you myself.

When she threw keys into well I became damn angry I griped on her hair tightly when she shouted "AHH!!"
but I kept on gripping her hair when she closed her eyes which made me more angry "OPEN YOUR EYES" I shouted when she slowly opened her teary eyes and looked at me I didn't shouted but said coldly "You need to pay for what you did"

Then I told her to come with me to my house. She looked terrified and kept saying no but I will do what I want to. So I threatened her to kill her friends she sobbed silently and finally said yes. I will make her pay.
I held her wrist and turned to leave.

'I will make you realize that meeting me was a curse.'

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