Injured from mission

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When I woke up today I felt really good because after what happened in the party this is first time I slept peacefully or I always get nightmares.
After taking shower I went down stairs for breakfast expecting to see Brother Murli and Das sir down stairs but only Savitri sister was their.
"Sister, where is Brother Murli?"
She looked at me
"Oh they had mission today so they went their"
I nodded felling uneasy.
"Sister , aren't you worried for them?"
She stopped and nodded
"Of course I am, but I'm used to it now. I have seen them covered in blood many times" Saying that she also sat down for breakfast.

It is already 9 at night we are waiting for brother and Das to come back.

I was coming back from kitchen with glass of water when I saw front door opening and some guards came with injured brother.
And then......some guards came inside with lifeless body of Das sir.
I felt like my soul left my body.
I was froze until.
"Y/N?" Sister called me yelling.
I looked at her.
"Murli have minor injuries but Das have a Bulletshot, you are a doctor please help him with it."
Sister said carrying brother to their room.
When some body guards came towards me with Sir
" Take him to his room" I told them and they all took him to his room.

I took out medical kit when I felt Das sir moving
"Ah-h" He groaned in pain.
"Sir don't move it will hurt more" He looked at me.
"It will hurt our mansion clinic is closed so we don't have many tools and I can't give you anesthesia." I said looking at him when he nodded confidently looking at my teary eyes.
"Make sure to keep your eyes open until I take bullet out" He nodded again.
I took babcock forceps and pushed it inside his wound which was on his abdomen area when
"Ah-h" He groaned softly.
"D-does it just a lot, should I stop? " I said Worriedly looking at sir.
"N-no do it" He said when I again pushed the tool inside his wound and he grabbed my free hand tightly
"Ahh-hh keep on doing it don't stop"
I kept doing what he said and he was groaning in pain when I took out the bullet successfully and Sir groaned loudly
"Ah-hh" I looked at him when he looked at me tiredly.
"It's done you can sleep if you want"
He shaked his head as no.
I covered his wound with medical gauze.
I turned around opposite to sir when my tears dropped.
"You should take some rest and make sure not to move it can open your wound more" I said looking opposite side when I stood up.
I felt some one gripping my hand tightly.
I didn't look back as I know who it is.
"Look at me" Sir said even though I don't wanted to but I was still scared of him so I looked back at him with my teary eyes.
He tried to get up when I widen my eyes
"I told you not to move " I told him again with little demanded voice.
He nodded.
"Why are you crying?" He asked me
"M-maybe I'm not used to doing operations"
He nodded and left my hand.
I left immediately.


Y/N left hurriedly even though I know what she said is not completely true but I didn't force her because this is new for her.
I m worried about anything else.
My enemies they came to know about Y/N they can hurt her.
I need to protect her.


It's already been a week since I operated Das he is okay then before.

I entered his room to change his bandages when he looked up at me with his intense gaze which made me feel nervous and scared at the same time.
"I need to change your bandages" He nodded when he tried to get up so I helped him with it.
When he started unbottening his shirt.
I turned around.
"Are you going to change bandages without looking at me? "
I slowly looked at him
"No" He nodded and signel to come towards him with his fingers.
I started taking off his old bandages.
I was applying ointment on his wound
Whenni pressed hardly on his wound.
"Ahh" I looked at him with wide eyes.
"I'm so-orry does it hurt? "
I said getting panicked.
"Be careful"
He said softly
I nodded
I started doing my work again.
"Are you still scared of me? "
Sir asked looking at me softly.
"Hmm scared"
I said honestly
"Don't be scared of me I won't hurt you anymore"
He said looking at me and i nodded.
I can't feel not be scared of you because how you treated me in the past.

His shirt was still unbottened.
When my eyes accidentally fell on his abs seeing that I closed my eyes
"Sir you should close you shirt now" He nodded but before he can do more he hissed in pain when I looked at him.
"It hurts cann you do it for me? " I looked at him with my wide eyes I slowly nodded.
I started closing his buttons when my hand accidentally touched his abs which made me shiver.
But I did what sir said.

Ans slowly I left from their.


I know she was shy while closingy shirt buttons. I felt shiver when her fingers touched my abs.

I feel soft for her.
What it is?
Is it safe?

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