Shopping and feelings

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I came downstairs for having breakfast . I looked towards dining table and saw everyone was already present their so I also sat down to have my breakfast.

When we were done with our breakfast.
"Y/N I guess you need some stuff like clothes and etc? " Sister asked me
"Y-Yeah" I said.
"Okay then Das should we go for shopping actually I'm also getting bored" Sister said.
"Okay get ready within 30 minutes" Saying that he went.

I came inside my room to get ready.

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This is what I wore.

When I was done i went downstairs and saw everyone was already their.

When Das looked at me and asked.
"Are you coming like this? "
"Y-Yes is it bad? " I asked
"No just make sure to stick with me"
He said I looked at him being confused but he left.

I sat with Das and sister sat with Murli brother.

We went inside mall and started doing our shopping.
I bought some clothes, skincare and I bought my favorite perfume.

We bought some bodyguard with us but they are outside mall as they might attract attention of lot of people.


We were doing our shopping when suddenly I heard gunshot I looked towards it and saw it was our enemy who were after Y/N.
'Shit' I thought to myself.
I don't have my gun with me.

They started searching for us I told
Y/N to hide and she did I came in front of them and started fighting with them soon Murli also joined me but they were too many for us when I heard.
"Stop right now or I will kill her" I turned around and saw Arav our enemy point gun on Y/N's forehead.

We stopped instantly.
"Good" Arav said.
"I was looking for her she is the only weakness you have " He smirked
"Now you will have no weakness"
Saying that he threw Y/N on the floor and pointed his gun towards her when I went towards her and sat on my knees and pulled her towards me by placing my hand on her head.

"No stop leave her alone" I said slightly looking at him.

"Is Mr Das the heartless man on this planet is in love?" He said but I kept quiet.

"You are ready to die for her? " Arav said

"Leave it I'm not in mood to kill you"
I looked at Arav in confusion

" I don't want you to live without a person you love, I know how it feel. "

Saying that he left .

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

" I'm okay "
She said and we left from their.

I was sitting in my room thinking about what happened today and I know the reason why Arav didn't kill
Y/N. I heard that he lost his girlfriend because his enemy killed her.
I guess that is the reason he didn't killed Y/N.

I was thinking about everything when I heard knock on my door.
"Come in " I said slowly.
Savitri sister came inside.
"Sister how is she? " I asked her about
"She is fine" Sister said.

"Das I wanted to ask something from you? " She said.
" What is it sister? " I asked.
"Do you love Y/N? " She asked
When I looked at her being shocked but I looked down.
"I don't know" I said.
"What do you think sister? Do I love her? " I asked.
" From what I saw in mall maybe yes.
Das this is the first time you jumped in front of someone to protect them" She said.
"That's true" I replied.
"Okay tell me, do you feel like she should stay with you 24/7? "
"Do you feel your heart beating fast when she is near you? "
"Are you ready to free her and send her back? "
"Can you tell me why? "
"I feel scared if she is not near me"

"Das you should be ready because you finally have a weakness"

I looked at her.

"Am I in love with her? "
I asked myself.
"Yes maybe yes I'm in love"
I smiled with tears in my eyes.

I finally realized my feelings for her.

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