Sad days

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After few minutes sister and my brothers came.
They saw me resting my head on table but they can't see my face.

"Das? What happened? " Sister asked.
"... And where is Y/N? "
I brust out crying hearing her name.

I know they are shocked it's evident on their faces.
"What happened das? " Brother asked
"Y-Y/N.....she left " I told them everything.

"Das why you did it? " Sister asked

"What? " I asked

"She likes you" She said

I widdend my eyes.

"She told me she likes you" She explained everything.

"Sister I will get her back but we need time. She is going to be a doctor and I'm a fucking gangster I want to be someone she deserves. " I told them

"What are we going to tell Eva? " Brother asked.

"Don't worry I will explain her" Sister said


It's already been a week since I left mansion. I'm going to meet my friends I went to gautam house and knocked on his door when he opened the door and looked at me with his wife eyes.
"Y/N" He said
I smiled.
"Can I come inside? " I asked when he nodded
I saw all my friends are already their

We greeted each other and we sat down.

"When you guys were released from him? " I asked him.
"What do you mean? He never captured us. "
He said when I became shocked.

"But he kept on saying if I didn't do this he will hurt you" I said

"He lied he released us on the same day he took you with him" Gautam said.

"Btw how have you been you disappeared after that day" He asked.
"I was with him and his family" I said

"Ok did he hurted you? "He asked.

" At first he did" I said

"Then? " He asked

"He tortured me I nearly died, he stopped and.... I fell for him"

He nodded.

"I m leaving" I said.

He looked at me before he could ask

"I'm leaving for Korea I applied for that job again and luckily that place was still vacant so I m going their. "

"When? "

"Next week"

I will be this country forever I don't when I will come back. I'm not even sure if I will come back.

I will miss my friends.
I will miss sister.
I will miss brother.
I will miss Eva
And especially
I will miss... him

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