Guilty, taking care

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I was sitting on chair looking at her. Her beautiful eyes which were closed for now "Doctor said she is too tired because of everything that's happening here" I think she need rest, her body was still hot I thought that I should call Savitri sister but then it was already 1 at night.
I went kitchen and took water in big bowl and a clean cloth.
I cleaned her face and all the body parts which were not covered , I was cleaning her when she started shivering she took my hand and pulled me near her "warm.." she Wishpered softly. I sat beside her and slowly moved strand of hair which were disturbing her. I never noticed it before but she is beautiful as well as cute.

He was busy admiring her he didn't notice two people were looking at him.

Outside the room

"I told you he like her" Savitri said
"Hm it's true I guess" Murli answered
" I have never seen him like this with anyone, I hope he won't hurt her." Savitri said to her husband.
"Don't worry he will not hurt her anymore see the way he is taking care of her" both looked at the scene in front of them with smile but suddenly savitri became quiet.
"What happened you are not happy for Das?"her husband asked.
" It's not like that but.... but Das is someone who don't show his feelings easily, I hope he realize his feelings on time, otherwise it will be of no use".

They both nodded and left.


I woke up feeling better I don't remember what happened after I fainted but I'm sure that I was not wearing these clothes.
"I went kitchen when sister in law saw me" She smiled
"You're up?" I also smiled and nodded
"How are you feeling?" She asked being concerned.
"I don't know but I feel like I slept for too long and it feels good." She looked and me and nodded.
"So doing you know what's today's date? " I looked at her being confused.
"You woke up after two days" she told me I looked at her being shocked and terrified 'Das?' I was just thinking about what he will say. I guess she noticed " Don't worry he won't say anything and he is the reason of your condition" I nodded.
"Doctor said that you were tired because of how Das treated you and your body needed rest and many more" I didn't say anything and just nodded.
"Can I ask you about something ?" She nodded
"Where is Sir? Who changed my clothes?" I asked being nervous.
"Das is sleeping" I looked at her being confused because he never slept till this late " Because he has been taking care of you since two days and yes he asked maid to change your clothes"
I nodded.
I was going towards my room when I heard
Maid 1 " You know Mr das was taking care of Y/N for last two days he didn't slept for two days just because he wanted to take care of her."
Maid 2 " Yes it's true, even I saw him taking a bowl of water and cleaning her body when she was having fever......leave it we shouldn't think anything ".

He took care of me?
I don't know why but it felt good , it's good that he was the one taking care of me.
I thought Sir was sleeping so I went inside without knocking on the door.
When he was standing in front of me shirtless he was just having his pants on and his hair were messy 'so he just woke up? ' that's when he looked at me standing with door opened when our eyes met "sorry" I said and closed the door. After few seconds he he said "come inside" I slowly opened the door with my closed eyes and then I slowly opened my one eye to see if he was still shirtless but no he was completely dress up.

"Why are you here? " he asked me I still feel scared looking at him.
"I j-just wanted to say thank you for taking care of me." He nodded
"So how are you feeling? " He asked with his soft voice for once I was shaken off because of his soft voice.
"Good" He nodded
"I took care of you because I was.... guilty for hurting you" I nodded
"Don't worry I won't hurt you anymore" I nodded again.
And I thought he was done so I left from their.

But it feel bad to know that he took care of just because he was guilty.

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