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I was sitting on chair inside airport.
When I took out my phone and decided to call someone.
Ring Ring~
Finally someone picked and said
"Hello? "
I smiled and said
"Hello!! Sister in law? " I asked as I was not sure who is on the other side of the call.
"Y-Y/N? How are you? You left without telling us? "
She said happily as we finally talked after 1 month.

"I'm fine sister it just that i wanted to tell you something. " She hummed in response.

"I'm leaving" I finally said

"Huh? Where are you going? " She asked.

"I got a job" I said
"Really? Congratulations Y/N.Then when will you come back? " She asked.

"I don't know.... I got a job in Korea" I told her
"What?  Where are you I'm coming to meet you" She said panicking.

"It's too late I'm already at the airport and my flight is within 30 minutes. "

I told her feeling sad.

"What? Why didn't you called before?" She asked.

"I knew you all will come here. I will not be able to leave after seeing him"
I told her.

"What you did Y/N? " She said crying.

"Sister I need to leave now. Bye"
I said

"Y/N have a safe trip"
I hummed.
And cut the call.

Sister POV

I was looking down when I heard Murli calling me.
"Savitri what happened? Why are you crying? "

He asked and i saw Das behind him looking at me.

"Y/N she is leaving" They both became shocked.

"She got a job in Korea, she is leaving"

They looked at each other.

"Let's go we can meet her. "Murli said
I nodded  my head as no
" We can't she is already at the airport and her flight is after 15 minutes "

Murli sat their on the floor but Das was  standing their.

I could see he was not able to understand anything.

"She knew it will take 2 hrs from mansion to airport that's why she called before 30 minutes."

As I said that Dad turned around and left for his office.


She is leaving.

She is leaving.
My mind kept on saying that.

I sat on my chair with hand in my forehead.

No no Das you can't be weak.

You promise yourself that you will change.
For that you need to work hard.

You have to become a person who is right for Y/N .

Yes Right?
You can do it Das.

I said this to myself.
I want to meet her and I know I will meet her but it will take some time.


My flight already took off.
I looked down and saw myself leaving my city my country.

I looked down and said "Bye everyone"

"Bye Das"

I know we will meet again.

But for now I should start my new life.

I will become a new person.

An independent confident and brave women.

Who is not scared of anything.

Next time when we meet again I will confess.
I promise.

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