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I was getting ready as we are going out for dinner.

This is what i was wearing for today's dinner ,i was trying to close the zipper which was on the back of the dress , i was struggling when i felt someone's hand on mine i was startled for a second when i looked in the mirror which was in front of ...

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This is what i was wearing for today's dinner ,i was trying to close the zipper which was on the back of the dress , i was struggling when i felt someone's hand on mine i was startled for a second when i looked in the mirror which was in front of me and saw it was Das we both looked at each other through the mirror and smiled at each other and Das went back to close my zip. I was admiring him through the mirror when he pulled my hair aside when i saw him getting frozed for few second and he looked at me with unreadable expression.

Das P.O.V 

I was going to call Y/N when i stood in front of her room and saw her wearing a beautiful white dress when i saw her struggling with zipping up the dress so i went to help her when she realized it was me we both smiled at each other through mirror. I went back to close her zip so i pushed her hair aside when i looked at her back and i frozed on my spot i could still see that burn mark on her mark which i made, then i pulled dorm her sleeve to look at her right back and i could see that gun shot then i turned her around suddenly and i could see  she was surprised.When i bought her left hand up and looked at her palm and their it was her other scar and i could tell she understood.

"Das?" she called me and cupped my face.

I looked at her  and said with my shaking voice " They are still their."

"  Das these are scar they will never leave my body"she said with her soft voice and soft smile.

she nodded at me trying to tell it alright when i nodded too and turned her around i slowly bend down and kissed on her bullet scar while looking at her to see her reaction . She shivered and closed her eyes i slowly bend down more and started placing soft kisses on her burnt mark, soon my soft kisses turn into wet kisses.

"Das ?" she called me nearly moaning my name, when i felt loosing myself she told me to stop softly but i didn't  i came up and started placing wet kisses on her left shoulder and nape. I was kissing her neck when i turned her around and looked in her eyes and closed mine before rubbing our nose together and placed our forehead together i sigh and said while closing my eyes.

"I should stop before I loose my control and i'm damn sure you are not ready for it" i said opening my eyes and turned around.


 Das is right i'm not ready for it but this  tension is too much for me. When Das turned around i don't know what happed to me i held his wrist and turned him around now my hand were wrapped around his neck and his hands were wrapped around my waist.

"I know i can't go too far but i really want to kiss you?" i said softly telling him that i feel this tension too.

I can tell he was shocked when he said "I have been waiting since 2 yrs to kiss you"

he came closed to me when he was going to kiss me he stopped and said

"Can i kiss you,my love?" he asked softly.

i nodded giving him permission and soon our lips were touching each other. He kissed me softly not trying to hurt me his hands wrapped around my waist softly we were kissing softly when soon our soft kiss turned into heated one he started moving forward and i started stepping back and he held my waist tightly and made me sit on the table without breaking the kiss.

We were kissing each other roughly my hand were now on his hair and his hands were pulling me close roughly.When he suddenly bite on my lips asking permission to enter my mouth and i did soon our tongue were dancing together.

Das P.O.V  

Look like i found my new addiction her lips taste so good. Our tongue were dancing together and i was kissing her roughly when she tapped my shoulder signalling she is out of breath. I pulled away we both were breathing hard when i looked at her she was closing her eyes when i said 

" From now on your lips are my new addiction" she opened her eyes and smiled and punched me softly on my chest and i smiled softly.

She hugged me hiding her face on my neck.

"Are you shy?" i asked and she nodded 

"If you keep hugging me like this i won't be able to control" i said when she looked at me with her adorable eyes and backed away and i laughed slightly when she pouted and i pecked her lips she looked at me shockingly.

I went towards her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Y/N i know this is not how i should ask you this without preparing anything but i want to ask you this." she looked at me being confused sitting on table , when i went on my both knees grabbing her both hands 

i took deep breath and said "Y/N would you like to be Mrs. Das? Will you marry me?"

She looked at me with her wide eyes i thought she is not ready she stood up when i said "It's okay if you are not ready take your time and answer me then okay?" i said when she nodded her head as not and said 

" I would love to be Mrs. Das. Yes i will marry you." she said with tears in her eyes i got up and hugged her tightly when she said 

"I love you Das"

"Do you love your Y/N?" she asked looking at me 

" No i don't love Y/N i love Mrs Das" 

I said and we laughed together 

"I can't wit to marry you" i said 

"Me too" she replied

Finally she is mine officially .

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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