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It's already been 2 weeks since Das sir came injured, he is fine now. Even though he was not completely recover but still he started his work again.

I m going to give him his coffee, I knocked on door when I heard a cold voice which always gives me shiver.
"Come in " Sir said.
I opened the door when he looked up.
"Why are you here? " He asked looking at me.
"Your coffee sir" He nodded
I was going forward when I slipped on floor and all the coffee spilled on his paper on which he was working.

I widen my eyes in horror
When he looked at me coldly and started walking towards me.
I looked down closing my eyes tightly as I know either I will get a slap or he will shout on me.
So I kept looking down closing my eyes tightly.
I can feel him standing in front of me I clutched on my dress tightly.
I thought sir will shout or slap but...
"Go I need to do this work again"
I looked at him being puzzled.
"Huh?" I said when he looked at me and said
"What? "
I nodded as no.

I was going upstairs in the roof as everyone else was their except Das. I went upstairs and was shocked because of infrastructure it was beautiful and floor were transparent.
I walked towards Savitri sister.

We were talking when I heard door getting slammed opened we looked at it with shocked.
I saw Das looking at me with his angry eyes and then he started coming towards me.
When he was in front of me without saying anything he grabbed my wrist harshly and forced me to go with him.

"Ahh sir it hurts, please leave my hand please" I said his grip on my hand was very tight.

But what happened now?


I was busy with my work as I need to be more careful now because my enemies came to know about Y/N and I need to make sure she was safe so I decided to check on her.
I came out and asked one of my bodyguard where is she? He told me everyone is on roof.
I looked up to see everyone is present their bit I noticed that Y/N was wearing a frock what the heck?
Doesn't she know floor is transparent even though she is wearing shorts but still we can't trust men.
I looked around to see if anyone noticed and I saw one of my bodyguard noticed it and he was staring her legs.
I became furious suddenly I felt too hot because of anger when I shouted
"HEAD DOWN NOW!!" I ordered and saw them bowing their head down I told one of my men to keep eye on them.
I went upstairs and slammed the door opened everyone looked at me being shocked but I ignored them and directly went towards Y/N before she could say anything I grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards my room.
"Ahh sir it hurts please leave my hand please" she said painfully but I was so angry that I ignored her words and dragged her towards my room.

As soon as we reached inside our room I pushed her towards a wall and said or yelled at her.
She looked at me with her wide eyes.
"Huh? " She said softly
"I SAID STRIP" I yelled again to make her clear.
"What are you saying? " She asked me being panicked in her soft voice.
"Ok then I will do it in my way" saying I turned her around now her face was towards wall.
"Ahh" She hissed softly because of sudden attack.
I started opening zip which was on the back of the dress I was on the half way of opening the zip completely when I saw light red burn marks on her back then I remembered the day.
She tried to escape and I became angry that I burned her back with my hot tea, I remembered her crying face that bright red mark then the way I forced her to stay inside shower then her fainting everything, everything flashed before my eyes like a movie how I treated her in the past and now I'm doing the same.
I closed my eyes when I finally heard her sobbing.
I slowly turned her around.
She slowly looked at me with her painful eyes
"W-Why did you stopped? " I looked at her being confused.
"So whatever you wanted to do with me" I kept looking at her
"if I will not say yes to sleep with you, then you force me, right? " I looked at her neing shocked and with my wide eyes, she completely misunderstood.
What do I expect her understand when I was basically undressing her?
"I-its no-" before I could speak more.
"I'm so scared of you" She said looking at me in the eye.
This is first time she is looking at me like this, in the eye.
"Don't be" I said.
"How? How do you think I won't be scared of you? " She said and continued
" How so want me not to be scared of a person who was standing in front of police station with his 30 men just to attack people present in their?
How do you want me not to scared of someone who forced me to go with him just because I threw a fucking key?
How do you want me not to be scared of someone who tortured me?
Ho-how-" She could not complete her sentence anymore.


I crept crying when
"Sorry I never knew I hurted you so bad" Das said.
I looked at him, saw him closing his eyes and clenching his jaw.
"AHHH AH " he started punching on the wall. I widen my eyes I decided to stay silent at first but I noticed he won't stop anysoon.
"Das " I called him softly when he stopped and looked at me.
He came close to me and looked at me with tired eye.
He placed his head on my shoulder
"Das? " I said softly
"Shh I'm sorry for what I did, but trust me I regret it. I want to protect you now. I will protect you even if it cost my life" He said softly.
"Okay " I said when he looked at me with his confused eye.
"I will try not to be scared of you" He smiled at me softly.
"And yes keep calling me by my name I feel good" He said I don't know why but I felt like I was blushing and my heart was beating fast.

"I was did this because you were wearing a frock and you were on roof and you know that the floor are transparent on the roof so.. " He said and now I realized what he meant.
I closedy eyes being ashamed.
"You don't need to be ashamed it was not your fault even you were wearing short-" I looked at him with my wide eyes.
"You saw? " He nodded slightly.
" I didn't meant to, but one of my guard did that's why I was so angry " He told me I nodded
"Sorry I said everything without knowing the reason" I said.
" It's good that I know what you feel just keep in mind to wears pant when you are in roof" He said
"But who make floor transparent especially roof floor its-" I looked at him
"It's what? " He said
"It-ts unique" I said
He chuckled
I felt goosebumps.

I was done treating his wound which was made because of punching on the wall on knuckles.

I went out of his room

'I hope he won't treat me badly'
Y/N thought standing outside the room.

*Inside the room*
' I won't treat you badly anymore'
Das thought looking at the close door.

Both looked towards without knowing themselves and smiled softly.

This is first time both slept with small smile on their faces.

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