Entering to Hell.

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When we downstairs I saw my friends being grabbed by his men, they were pointing guns on their forehead.y friends looked at me being horrified
"Y/N, don't go with him. Please!! " Vivek said nearly begging me not to go with Das.Das slowly lean towards me and wishpered in my ears "Say no and I will kill them" I looked at him and then at my friends "Sorry" I said. When I turned around "You don't know what they will do to you" Sautam warned me I stopped and sobbed slightly that's when Das grabbed my wrist tightly
"We will go in one car, you all come in other car." he shouted and we left.

After more then half an hour we reached his house mansion to be exact. He opened the door and went out from car when I was about to open the door, Das opened the door harshly and grabbed my hand tightly then made his way towards mansion.

When we went inside he was taking me somewhere I don't know, his grip was hurting me badly "Leave me it hurts" I said begging instead of leaving my hand his grio became more tight "Ahh-" before I could scream a small girl of 6-7 yrs ran towards us and their was a woman running behind her, I guess she is her mother. "Das uncle who is she?" little girl asked pointing towards me. Das stopped suddenly and looked towards that girl and said softly "Eva go inside your room" without asking anything that girl went inside her room "Das what is all this?" her mother asked pointing towards me "Sister in law I know what I'm doing." Before she could say anything that guy who was locked inside prison in police station came their "Das why is she her?" He asked looking at me "I just want her to pay for what she did" they looked at him shockingly "Das you know we don't treat girls badly, and I hope you know what you are doing." Das nodded and we left.


After having talk with my family I bought her inside my room and threw her on the floor when she hissed "Ahh! It hurts Das" I looked at her when she called my name, I was burning in anger when she called be by my name
"How dare you call me by name?" I went towards her and grabbed her hair harshly when she screamed "Ahh"
She closed her eye in pain "You are not allowed to call me by my name. Is it clear? " She nodded "I WANT WORDS, IS IT CLEAR? " she closed her lips tightly "Yes" I smriked "And yes call me Sir, okay?" She nodded "Ye-es S-sir" She shuttered "Good" Saying that I pushed her head, I don't care if she is hurt.
Before leaving room I said "And from tomorrow you will make breakfast for me and you will do everything I say" She looked at me and said innocently
"I ca-an't cook" I looked at her angrily and went towards her " What? " I slapped her harshly and grabbed her by her chin "I don't care you will do what I say" She nodded. I left from their.


My cheeks hurt, I wanted to cry so hard and I did. I'm so scared so scared of him. I don't know how my life will change from now own. I hope my friends are safe. When I was lost in my dreamworld their was a knock and then door opened and that woman come inside "Come I will do the first aid" she said pointing at my lips which were bleeding because of slap " Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you" Saying that she started treating me "I'm das's sister in law. I heard your sream so I knew he hurted you that's why I came here to treat you wound." She said "Thank you" I said softly she smiled at me and said "Now rest I will send you some food." I nodded and thanked her again.

When I was done with my food, I decided to get some rest. After 20 minutes Das came inside and looked at me " Who? " I looked at him being confused huh? "Who treated you?"
I looked down and then answered
"Your sister in law" As soon as I said that he came towards me and slapped me twice because of which I fell down on the floor. " This is for getting treated " Saying that he went towards his bed and slept and I decided to sleep on floor.

I don't know how I will survive here.

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