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I was inside my office which is in mansion when suddenly I got a message I looked in my phone'So it's time for party?' I sign because I know that I'm already 30 and I need a partner this time to go in that party. I came out of office in not so good mood.
"Das come here" Savitri sister said

"What happened you don't look ok?" She asked I nodded
"It's party time" Oh really they both shouted but then became quiet looking at me.
"What? " Sister asked
"I'm already 30 yrs old and this time I need a partner with me" I told them when sister smiled and said
"I know a girl who is beautiful, intelligent and she is also a doctor" She said I looked at her being confused.
"Y/N" She said
"She won't come with me after everything happened" I told her when she left from their.


I was cleaning my room because now I love in guest room.
When sister came inside
"Y/N I need your help" I nodded
"Yes?" She looked at me
"Actually today is mafia party and we all are going their. Das is also coming Das is already 30 this time he need a partner. So I want you to be his partner." She said
"But... " Before I could complete my sentence she said
"Don't worry everyone will be their to protect you but please help us, it is not good for our reputation." She begged me to help her. So I nodded.


We all are ready and waiting for Y/N when I turned to my sister and brother but they were looking behind me being shocked. So I turned around and my heart nearly stopped, she was wearing a blue dress looking like an angel. I felt like I'm going to faint my legs were feeling like jelly.
Y/N dress

Y/N POV I went down stairs when I was done with my party look Das was looking towards his family when his family looked at me being shocked'Am I looking that bad?' I thoughtSuddenly Das turned around when I looked at him he was wearing blue suit l...

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I went down stairs when I was done with my party look Das was looking towards his family when his family looked at me being shocked
'Am I looking that bad?' I thought
Suddenly Das turned around when I looked at him he was wearing blue suit look like we were actually having matching outfit. He look good, his body muscles were clearly visible I felt myself saying at me and he was also doing the same.
We both were looking at each other.
"You look sexy girl" Sister said I became embarrassed.
"Das say something" He looked at me and nodded.
Isn't she looking beautiful?" Sister asked him
"Yeah Beautiful" He said.
Das dress

We reached our destination

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We reached our destination.
We went inside as soon as door opened I saw everyone looked at us and soon I felt someone clutching onto my sleeves it was Y/N. I looked at her and she was looking scared, I held her hand and bought it more closer to me so that she can held my hand more tightly. She looked at me with little comfort look on her face and we went inside. When we were in Mr Shetty come towards us with his son Vardhan.
Soon he greated us.
"Welcome Mr Das" He said smiling I nodded with my cold face.
"Can I ask who is this beautiful lady?"
He said pointing towards Y/N
"My partner" I said slowly sliding my hand in Y/N's waist.
He Nodded smiling. Soon his son said.
"Wow what a sexy lady you have Mr Das" Saying that he grabbed Y/N hand and kissed on her hand she became shocked and pulled her hand back and stood behind me grabbing my sleeves lightly.
"Don't touch her again" I warned Vardhan when he smriked and left from their with his father.
I turned around and took her hand in my hand and I crossed our fingers tightly then we sat on our table.
"S-Sir I want to use washroom" Y/N said I nodded, she went from their.

It was already more than 10 minutes but Y/N was not back yet and I was getting worried. So I called one of my men and asked him to check on him.
After few seconds he came to me and said something to me which made me angry. I was so angry that I stood up from my chain suddenly and everyone looked at me with scared face.
"What happened?" Brother asked being worried.
I took deep breath and fisted my hand and said.
"Y/N is missing"
They looked at me being horrified.
"What?" Both said in unison.

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