He is here

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"Eva? What are you doing here? "
I looked at her.
She smiled at me and replied
"Not only me everyone is here. "
She said and looked behind her.
I also looked behind her and saw savitri sister and murli brother stanfing their smiling looking at me.
I looked at them and smiled and ran towards them and hugged sister tightly.
She also hugged me tightly.
When we broke tge hug and I greeted brother.

I looked behind them finding someone.
They noticed and smiled at me.

"Looking for someone? " Sister asked.

I nodded looking at them.

"Yeah I thought he will be here. "

They smiled at each other.
Told me to look back.

I did and was shocked to see him here.

Finally he was here.

Das was here.

Finally we met.

He was standing their near the river smiling at me brightly.

Wearing black jeans black t shirt and grey long coat. 

This was the first time I saw him without any suit, in casual.

He still looked so breathtaking, ethernal.

I smiled at him brightly.


She smiled at me brightly as if I'm the only one for her.

She still like me I can feel it through her smile.

When I looked at her my heart skipped a bit.

I felt like I can live again.

I could feel my heart beating fast.

I was thinking when she ran towards me and soon she was near me and hugged me tightly.

Grabbing me from my neck and her face was on my shoulder.

I also hugged her back from her waist tightly I could feel her skin against my hand and I could tell she was working out I vould feel her muscle.

"Finally you are here, I was waiting for you" She said softly near my ear.

"I'm glad you waited I replied. "

'Finally we are together'

I thought.

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