New life

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It's already been 3 days since das and everyone came back. I was making breakfast for everyone when i felt someone standing behind me ,i turned around and saw das standing behind me .

"What happened? I thought you were sleeping ?" i said and turned to make breakfast again when i felt him wrapping his arms around my waist slowly, i felt my breath hitched and i slowly kept my hand on his hand. 

"What happened Das?"as soon as i said his name he kept his chin on my shoulder and i could feel his breath on my neck before i could say anything he kept his face on my nape and i shivered so i turned around suddenly when he looked at me with his soft eyes.

" So you are not going to tell me anything?" i asked when he said "It's nothing,i couldn't sleep without you." he said when i smied softly and patted his head .

"Aww so sweet " i said and patted his head again.

He looked at me and then my head and then at me again .

He slowly lean towards me and i leaned back , he placed his hand on kitchen counter and now i was trapped between kitchen counter and Das.

"Yahh who is dominant between us? Aww so sweet" he said and patted my head in a sarcastic way.

We kept looing at each other when we heard someone coughing we turned around and saw Eva and Savitri bhabhi and Murli brother standing their.

We were eating breakfast when Eva said 

"Y/N Aunty , can we go to mall or somewhere else?  I am really excited to explore this new place." she said pouting cutely, i smiled softly and said yes.

We were going towards mall for shopping and i was driving as no one else can drive because they just came here.

We were all talking and laughing when i got a call on my phone which was connected to my car so i pressed a button of the car and started talking.

" Hello?" i said 

'H-Hello ma'am ?"  one of my junior said from the other side being panicked.

"What happened Yumin?" i asked and now everyone was silent.

"Ma'am your patient who had heart disease fainted he is not responding please come fast ma'am."

"Don't worry i'm coming tell them to prepare operation theater "saying that i disconnected the call.

I took u turn when Eva asked .

"Y/N Aunty? Why are we going home ?" Oh shit!

"Hmm Eva we are not going home we are going to hospital.Aunty have urgent work.ok?"

Eva nodded as yes.

Soon we came to hospital and everyone came out of the car i gave keys to guard and told him to get the car parked . As soon as i entered in the hospital our juniors bowed to me and greeted me and i greeted them back hurriedly ,when Yumin came towards me in rush. 

" Ma'am please come fast his condition is serious" she started telling me about case when i remembered about everyone i turned around them and said 

"If you all don't mind you all can stay in my office."i said when Yumin said 

" Ma'am we don't have much time i will take them to the examin room.

i nodded and left.

Das P.O.V

When Y/N left that girl Yumin took us with her to a room their were many chairs and a glass wall when i looked towards wall i saw someone laying on the streacher and their were doctors around an it was like a operation room . Yumin looked at me and told us 

"Actually this is the patient Y/N will be here soon." as soon as she said that i saw Y/N was inside and she took off her coat , watch and all the rings and bracelets and wore a operation robe.

Soon two older man entered the room they looked at me with questionable look.

"Sir they are Ms Y/N's relatives" they nodded and sat on their seat monitoring the operation.

Soon operation started and i saw Y/N was busy in the operations .

4hours passed and operation was still going on Y/n kept looking towards monitor and that heartbeat machine everything was going okay when suddenly a nerve blast and blood splashed and went in Y/N's eyes she stepped back and everyone became tensed heart machine started beating loudly.

Y/n ordered to bring water and she cleaned her eyes and with straight face she ordered everyone to keep on doing the operation.

Finally after 10 hours operation ended and we came out . I am so proud of my Y/N .

Soon she came out when she was stopped by an old couple 

She smiled at them 

i heard them saying

"Thank you for saving my son you are god for us" they said and hugged Y/N she smiled at them and said this is my job 

she  started moving forward when she looked gloomy and tired when she looked at us she smiled again

Suddenly she came straight to me and hugged me tightly.

"I am so tired " i nodded 

"But you did great I am proud of you"

I said when she moved back looked at me then smiled.

I am so proud of you My Y/N.

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