Mutual feelings

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I was helping sister making breakfast as everyone is really happy because after many days eva will eat with us she is always busy with us and brother and sister want her to stay away from house because of her work.

I was doing work when suddenly a glass fell and broke into pieces when

"Mumma? " Eva came towards kitchen running.

She was running as she didn't notice broken pieces of glass.
"EVA? " I shouted.
And ran towards her before she could step on pieces I placed my hand on it anh she step on my hand and my hand got pushed on glass piece.

"Y/N? " sister shouted
When I heard
"What happened? " Das asked standing on the starting of stairs.

"Y/N got hurt" As soon as sister said that Das came down running.
He took my hand and looked at me
He shouted.
"YAHH! She protected Eva she was going to step on that so ahe placed her hand. " Sister said.
"Okay" Das said.

Das already treated my wound and now we were eating breakfast.
Das was sitting beside me Eva was sitting in front and sister was sitting on her right and brother was sitting on her left side.

I was not able to eat properly so Das took my spoon and placed it in front of me I looked at him.
"Eat " He said I nodded hesitately and opened my mouth.

"Mumma? " Eva said whlhen sister looked at me.
" They are like you and father se Das uncle is feeding her" She said when I looked at her being shocked.
"Who is she mumma? " Eva asked.

"They are just like Mumma and papa. They are going to get married"
Sister said and I chocked badly. I stared coughing.
Dad gave me water.
"Thank you"

"Really mumma? Das uncle will marry her? " She asked cutely

"Yes baby. What do you think about them? " She asked her.

"Mumma they look so good together and anty is so beautiful." Eva said.

I could not say anything just listen to them. I can feel my face getting hot.


Y/N was being shy by what is said by Eva her face was red and ahe looked so cute.

"Let me hug her. I'm so happy"
Eva said and got up to hug Y/N.

When she hugged her I could tell Y/N was surprised but she smiled and hugged her back.

"Anty you will really marry this Mr. Rude? " She said.

Yeah that's my nick name from her.

"Mr. Rude? " I asked she nodded cutely

"Come here you naughty girl" I said
and grabbed her softly and made her sit on my lap.

"Anty you didn't answer, will you marry my uncle? " She asked again when I looked at Y/N.
Even though I knew she will say no or will try to change the subject but I don't know why but I wanted her to say yes.

I hope it can come tru-

Before I could complete she said.

"Yes I will marry him" She said and smiled sweetly.
I was shocked.
But happy, I was being happy when
Y/N looked at me and mummbled sorry I understood that she said this not to make Eva sad.

I nodded.
I felt sad.
So this is how it feel to get hurt by person you love?
It sure hurts.

"Uncle? " Eva called me
"Yes? " I smiled slightly looking at her.

"Can we go amusement part tomorrow? " She asked

"Sure we can go" I smiled

"Yayyy! " She shouted being excited.
I smiled looking at her and Y/N.

But I feel something is going to happen tomorrow.
Something which can change our life.


Guys be ready for next chapter it's going to be heart breaking💔.

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