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I was making tea for Das in kitchen, as he was out of house because of meeting, it was good because I really don't wanted to face him now because of yesterday incident. My back was still hurting and I was not feeling well, I was feeling dizzy. I was busy in my world when I heard a car horn and I knew it was Das. Few seconds later he was inside the mansion and I could see he was really angry. I gulped looking at him.

I came inside my room feeling really angry. I was already irritated because of what I talked with my brother yesterday and then today my client cancelled deal of 700 crore. I say on my bed closing my eyes when I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in" I ordered
And few seconds later I heard a low and shaky voice.
"Your tea sir" Y/N said placing tea in front of me.
I took a sip and spit it out, even though tea was okay but I just wanted to pour my anger on someone.
"You call this tea? " I said getting up from bed I could feel her getting tensed she cluntched on her frock. I started moving towards her and she started moving backwards.
When her back touched the wall and I held both of her forearms.
She looked in my eyes and said "Sir please don't do anything. I'm not feeling well."I could clearly see that but my demon was taking over me.
I grabbed her forearms and threw her on my bed, and I started moving towards her , she freaked and started moving backwards when I suddenly jumped on her and caged her between my arms she was captured between me and bed.
"N-No" She said being terrified.
I clutched her top near her neck and pulled it down harshly from her shoulder and I did same with other side of her shoulder and now both of her shoulder were exposed to me. I was lost in her milky skin, my lust was taking over me.
"N-No, please don't" She requested bit I was not in my senses. When without any warning I attacked on her neck and she screamed "Ah-h-h N-No plea-ase s-s-stop" She begged but I kept sucking her skin.
She started pushing me but it was completely useless as I was stronger than her.
She was crying but I was busy making art on her milky skin.
My hands were roaming around her body and she startled every time I touch her.
Soon she started screaming "AHH-HH
H-HELP M-ME"i closed her mouth with my hand.
She soon stopped moving when I looked at her and saw her closing her eyes tightly and tears were roaming down her eyes when I looked at her and I also didn't do anything.
She opened her eyes when she felt I was not doing anything.

Our eyes met.

I kept looking at her and she kept looking at me with her teary eyes.
"Why aren't you moving or stopping me anymore? "She looked at me.
" If I told you will you stop? " When I heard her I became more angry and I stood up from bed and make her stand grabbing her arm.
We came in front of almira when I took out hair straightner from almira and plugged it in socket.
When it was hot I unplugged it and took it in my hand.
"Now you will know what happen when you make me feel the feeling which I don't want" Saying that i grabbed her hand and forced her to grab that hair straightner she screamed "AHHHH!!! " And after few seconds I left her hand and she fell on floor on her butt she kept looking down and kept sobbing, I was going to leave when "I'm sorry" I froze on my spot listening to her painful voice "Sorry for throwing away that key because of which I'm facing this hell"
I again felt that uncomfortable feeling I went towards her and grabbed herher made her stand up and took her inside washroom, when she was under shower I said.
"Don't you dare to move until I come back." Saying that I turned around.
"Das I will wait for the day when you will regret everything." She said and I felt a stab in my heart but I left her under shower for getting wet.


I was standing under shower feeling dizzy, shivering .
It was more than half an hour and I was shivering badly under shower when I heard room's door getting open and soon I heard someone opening washroom door I looked back lazily and saw Das standing their looking at me being shocked. When suddenly I felt dizzy and before I could fall Das came near me and I fell in his arm when slowly he sat down andy face was on his lap "Y/N? Y/N? " This is first time he is taking my name don't know why but somehow it felt good.
Then I slowly closed my eyes.


I was going back in my room as I thought Y/N may have left. When I opened the door I heard shower was still on sudden shiver ran in my body I opened the door and saw she was still standing their. She turned around and looked at me I froze looking at her she was looking like a frost woman her skin was pale as white paper and her lips were freezing. She was going to fell down when I went towards her and she fell in my arms and slowly I sat down and her face was on my lap she looked at me for few seconds "Y/N?
Y/N? " then she closed her eyes and I was getting scared I could feel my heart beat rising I touched her cheek which were hot "Y-Y/N?" I called her taking shakey breathe then I shouted
"Y/N? " I took her bridal style and left for my home clinic when I went out every one was looking at me in horror and also because of my behaviour right now but I didn't mind because the only thing I cared right now was Y/N.
When my brother was coming near me saying "What happened?" But I didn't reply and shouted "MOVE! MOVE EVERYONE! DOCTOR DOCTOR" I kept shouting for doctor when finally he came and I put Y/N on clinic's bed.
Soon doctor started examine her.

When sister in law and my brother came to me.
"Who did this to her? " They asked.
"I did" I said looking at her face .
When I turned around and sat outside the clinic and their was only one thing going inside my mind.

"Please be okay. I regret it"

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