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Their was too much chaos for me in the party so I decided to take a break and I asked Das if I could use washroom ge said yes so I went from their.
I was washing my hand when I looked up to see my reflection on mirror but I was shocked to see him here.
"Mr Vardhan? This is girl's washroom."
I told him to make it clear that he is in a wrong place.
He smirked.
I felt uncomfortable so I said.
"I on the wrong place" I smiled slightly.
He smriked again and said.
"No!! I know this is girl's washroom and I'm in the right place"
Saying that he grabbee my waist. My eyes were wide in shock.
"Mr Vardhan, leave me. What are you doing?" I said cleary being scared of him. When he said
"I don't understand, Why Das always gets everything beautiful? "
He said looking at me in anger and suddenly he left my waist.
I sighed in relief thinking I can go back when.
"Guards bring her to my room" Suddenly two guards entered and grabbed both my wrist and one of them closed my mouth with his hands.
They took me outside and to my surprise their was no one near washroom and lift was just beside washroom when they took me inside lift and we left.

Soon we came outside the lift and took me inside the room I saw it's room number it was 3046 , we're in 30th floor?
Soon he told his bodyguard to leave and he threw me on his bed and closed the door.
"Now let's have some fun, should we?"
He asked while smriking.
"No please leave me " I said crying and begging.
Without saying anything when he came towards me and took off his coat.
He grabbed my wrist and tried to kiss me when I decided to bite on his hand and yes I did.
As soon as I got chance I ran towards door but before I could unlock it he grabbed m e by my waist and threw me on his bed harshly.
"I thought I will go easy on you as you are so beautiful so I don't wanted to hurt you but I need punishment" Saying that he took out knife from his pocket and bend down on his knees and I could feel him making cut on my foot when I shouted.
"Ahhhh!! It hurts" I cried.
"Now you will not be able to run" He smiled feeling satisfied.
Soon he hovered over me and tried to kiss me but I tured my face he became pisses so he grabbed my chin tightly to face him and then he slapped me harshly two times and I felt like I will pass out.
'So is this how everything going to turn out? Am I going to get raped? ' I thought.
'I m scared'

I know he tortured me he hurted me I m scared of him but I don't know why but I can only think of him.
'Please save me, Das'


We are trying to find Y/N since last fifteen minutes but she is no where to be found.
I slammed my hand on the table being frustrated when "Sir? " My bodyguard came to me I looked at him being pissed.
"Sir someone took Ms Y/N from washroom. We're not able to see their face." He said 'Fuck'

When Mr Shetty come towards me being hesitate.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"Mr Das I guess I know where could Ms Y/N be?" I looked at him being confused when he slidded down his hand to his pocket.
He took out a key and passed it to me saying.
"Room no. 3046 she will be their. Save her. " Saying that he left.
Me and my bodyguards ran towards that room, when we were in lift I was just thinking about one thing 'Please keep her safe'.

I ran towards the room when I heard some faint sobbing sound. It's her, hearing her sob my heart started beating fast. I was scared so scared.

I knocked harshly on the door and shouted "Y/N" I heard when she tiredly said Das that's it I moved back and kicked the door again and again and after 4-5 attempts it broke down and when I went inside I froze seeing the seen in front of me.
Y/N was laying down and Vardhan was hovered over her.
I quickly went to him grabbed him by his shoulder and punched him on his face and he fell down I told my men to take him to our basement.
I went towards Y/N she was crying sitting in the corner of bed, I went towardd her when I saw her dress being ripped from back and she was sliding up her dress from shoulder again and again, I saw that when Savitri and Murli came inside.
"Oh my god" She said and came towards Y/N. Savitri sat beside her and hugged her. I don't wanted anyone else to see her ripped dress because back side of her bra was completely visible, she didn't notice it because she was crying and shaking so I took off my jacket and covered her from her shoulder when she looked at me with her teary and red eyes, I don't know what happened to me I felt my heart aching looking at her when I sighed.
"Can you walk by yourself?" I asked her she nodded slowly when she tried to stand up but hissed in pain.
"Ahh" I looked at her being worried.
That's when she brought her leg forward and I saw a cut their.
"I was trying to e-escape, s-so he made this wound." She looked down.
When I sat down kneeling in front of her and said.
"I know what I'm going to do may shock you but you can't walk by yourself" She nodded innocently.
I sighed and stoop up and slowly I slidded my hand on her waist and then on her knees and took her bridal style I looked at Y/N she looked shocked.


I became shocked when da-sorry sir took me bridal style I looked at him but he was looking in front blankly when I held onto his neck for support.

I looked at him I was not able to understand him sometimes he behave coldly sometimes he hurt me sometimes he tortured me and now he just saved me from being raped.

We reached Hall when I saw guests were looking at us with their wide eyes when I saw two women whispering.
Women 1 "This is first time I'm seeing a girl being so close to das and he is holding a girl in his arms."
Women 2 " Maybe.... She is actually special " I heard them when I felt somehow good. And shocked that Sir was never involved with any girl.

'What are you sir? Why it's so difficult to understand you? '
I thought but I felt tired so I placedy head on his chest.


I went out holding Y/N in my arms and I saw her looking at me. I said nothing.
We reached Hall when I saw everyone looking at me with wide eyes and I also clearly heard what these women said.

I guess Y/N also heard it when I felt her looking at me wide small wide eyes which I somehow find cute.

But I felt my heart stopped when she placed her head on my chest.

'I hope she won't hear my heart beat'
I thought.

And we left for my mansion.

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