Soft for her

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Y/N kept crying and weeping in whole ride I wanted to console her but I could not.
When we reached mansion I went outside the car and then went towards Y/N's side, when I opened the door and she looked at me with her teary puffy eyes which made me soft within seconds.
I carried her softly in bridal style and took her inside her room.
I softly made her sit on the bed and went towards nightstand to grab firstaid kit.
I took her foot in my hands softly and applied some solution on it and started cleaning her wound when she hissed in pain.
"Ahh" She said softly
I looked at her when she looked at me and I started cleaning her wound again.
Finally I covered her wound.
"Does it hurt? " I asked looking at her
"No" She said softly.
"I had mission few days after so I won't be here that day" I said when she nodded.
"I should leave now" Saying that I stood up when she looked at me with her big wide eyes.
I understood
"Don't worry I'm sleeping on sofa in Hall" She looked at me.
"Its-s uncomfortable"she said I nodded
" U can sleep here" I looked at her being shocked
"I m sorry" She said looking down.
"Let me bring my stuff here.
I said and then left from their for some bedsheets and blanket.

I again entered in her room when I saw her sleeping peacefully.
She slept before I can come?
Maybe tired because of what happened today.
I looked at her and I don't know why but I smiled slightly.
I also made my bed on the floor and slept.

When sir made his bed on floor I opened my eyes after 5 minutes and looked towards sir when I saw him closing his eyes. He look so different.
Why do I feel safe with you?
Why I feel like we have a connection between us?
Even after what happened and how you treated me is it ok to feel this way?

I woke up feeling hungry since I ate nothing from yesterday.
I turned around and no one was their and sir has already cleaned up all his stuff. Seeing that I also went washroom for shower.

I came outside my room walking with difficulty. When savitri sister called me from downstairs as I was still upstairs.
"You're up? " I nodded looking at her.
"Can you walk? " I looked down and then said.
"No but I can manage" Before I can took one step more I felt being carried in bridal style. I looked who it was and yes it was das sir.
I looked at him being shocked because I felt embarrassed as many maids and Murli brother and Savitri sister was also their.
He placed me softly on chair. When I looked at him and he looked at me softly.
"Okay? " He asked I nodded softly.

We started eating.

"Das you have mission after two days"
I saw sir nodding.

"Be careful you know that this mission is very dangerous"
"I know brother don't worry about me." Sir said.

Why I feel scared about their mission?

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