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We bought Y/N to our mansion's hospital. Eventhough she was unconscious she was still whining in pain.
She was laying on bed on her stomach.
"Doctor save her I don't know how but you need to save her" They nodded.
"We will try our best" He said when nurse called her.
"Sir her pulse is very low" She said when doctor went towards her.
"What? Then we can't give her anesthesia. " Doctor said
He walked towards Y/N with some tools and started to remove the bullet when "AAAAHHHHHH!! " Y/N shouted painfully her scream could be heard in whole mansion.
"Ahhhh" She screamed again
"Be careful" I told doctor he nodded
"It's done" He said bringing out the bullet.

It's already been 2 days since that incident Y/N still unconscious doctor said she could have died that day but luckily she survived, he also said she would be gain her conscious today.


When I opened my eyes everyone was their except Das.
"Y/N how are you feeling? "
I nodded when sister asked.
"Where is Das? " I asked
"He went for some work"
She said I nodded.


I heard Y/N gain her conscious. In these days I have taken a very important decision which will affect
Y/N as well as me in very bad way.

I have decided to let her go.

One week later-

Brother and sister are not home. Maids have already packed her bag and Y/N is also completely fine.
It's time to talk to her.

I entered her room but she was not their I heard water noise coming from washroom.
She is inside washroom.
I waited for her to come outside.

Finally she i-
Omg! She came outside only wering a white oversized shirt which covered her only till thigh.
Two buttons from top of the shirt were open.
She looks breathtaking!
She looked at me being shocked and I also looked at her.
She looked down towards her leg when I turned around and she went inside back and closed the door.


Das was here and I went out like this.
It's embarrassing!!
I smiled softly because I will confess to him today.
I went outside when he looked at me very seriously.
He came towards me.

"Thank you for saving me that day. " He said before I could say anything he said.
"... But now I think you should leave"
I looked at him.
"You have paid for what you did now that you are recovered completely you can leave. "
He said when I looked at him.
"But what if I don't want to leave? "
I asked
"I'm not asking you I m telling you".

I looked at him and said.

"No I won't leave"
He sigh
"Leave or... " Hr said but stopped
"Or what? " I asked
"Or I will kill your friends" He said when I opened my eyes wide.

"Das you can't do this please" I cried.
"Oh trust me I can" He said harshly.

"Your bags are already in the car" He said
"Leave before I hurt you or kill your friends" He said and left.

After few minutes I came outside my room Das was not their and I know nobody is home today.

I went towards main door with heavy heart.
I went towards car door and placed my hand on handle to open it but I turned around to see mansion for last time.
But no one looked at me.
I wish I could see you before I leave.

I sat inside and .....
we left.

I left the mansion for... always.
I won't see them.
My only family
I won't be able to see them.

Das POV.

I saw when Y/N turned around to look towards mansion I hide myself.

And she sat inside car.

They left.

She left.

I felt like my heart is leaving my body.

It felt heavy.

I placed myself on chair.

What I'm going to tell sister in law and brother?
And specially Eva.
She liked Y/N.

And I.... liked her too

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