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"You're worthless"

"You think people will love you??"

"Nobody will even touch you,if they did then they're going to be cursed"

"Same thing again and again"Jimin said with a sigh getting up from the nightmare he just had.He took his phone to check the time.

Thank God it's only 7 AM.Then he got ready to university.Place where he doesn't like to go at all.He then sat on the bed and took medical kit to apply ointment on his wound.

Yes,in the world of applying creams on hand he apply ointment so that his wounds would get better.He got an abusive father what possibly can he do?At the age of 10 he started abusing him just because his mother died after giving birth to him.What is his wrong?

He left his house thank God that old man is sleeping as if he did every work out there.

Jimin pov

I barely eat anything cause whatever the money I get I give it to him and he'll use it by drinking daily and beat me as if I am just a toy.

Sometimes I wish I could just escape this house and live a new life but no I can't escape cause a part of me is still worried about him like I hate myself for thinking like this.

End of jimin pov

He reached university a little earlier.So he gone to take a book from his locker only to meet his friend suga there.

"Hey"Suga said with a smile.

"Hello"Jimin said returning the smile and searching for his book.

"Wh-"Within suga could say something somebody called suga and that somebody is none other than hoseok his boyfriend.

He ran to Hug his bf.

"Slow down kid you might fall down"Hoseok said hugging his bf so tight.

"Even if I did won't you catch me?"Suga asked.


"Aish!can you go do this romance somewhere else?"Jimin asked.

"You're right"Hoseok said.One second he saw them standing here and the next second they just vanished.

Smiling at the thought of them he again gone to his locker to lock it.

Jungkook pov

"Where do you think hoseok hyung will be?"Jungkook asked to Tae.

"How do you think I will know?"Tae asked.


Tae was confused by the silence jungkook is giving only then he noticed he's not looking at him.He is looking somewhere else.He looked at the direction where he is looking only to see a small and cute little man,Jimin locking his locker but...oh no!Jungkook is walking towards him.

But before jungkook could reach him some other three men is standing next to jimin.

"We got a sweet little puppet for us now"One said touching my cheeks and laughed while the other two agreed.

Jimin crouched down not wanting anyone to touch him keeping his hands in his ears.

Jimin pov

Seriously I want someone like them.I want someone to love me not for my body or something.But I guess that isn't gonna happen.My thoughts were interrupted by some three fellows whom idk their names.They bully me alot and the people around here are gonna only watch and record it.

"We got a sweet little puppet for us now"One said touching my cheeks and laughed while the other two agreed.

"Nobody will touch you"

"You're slut out there"

"Please die"

These thoughts are the things my dad said to me and these do something to me.I don't care about  people watching me I crouched down keeping my hands on my ears stopping the thoughts echoing in my mind.

"Let's have fu-"

He was interrupted by my shouting.I was shouting as if someone is gonna kill me.Whole building is silent only me who is shouting only those sounds are audible.Nobody dared to move maybe I am wrong.One did and I thanked myself for suga hyung to come hold me tight but no it's not suga.He doesn't wear cologne. This is someone else and ngl I feel safe,in his arms.I was so tired to even look at him.

End of jimin pov

"What are you looking at?"Jungkook shouted."Come help me"Jungkook said to Tae.

"What's happening?"Suga asked confused.

"Whatever it is!Tae will tell you everything and take him to medical room"Jungkook ordered.


"NOW"Jungkook shouted.

They both helped jimin to get up and they took care of him.Jungkook turned towards that three men.

"Now,let's play a game.Okay?"Jungkook said.


Hello everyone.

After a long time I came up with a story😂


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