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"Okay,let's play a game"Jungkook said.

"Who are you?his friend?oh wait are you his lover?"One mocked Jungkook.

"Yes I am!And for touching what's mine you've to pay the price"Jungkook said with a smirk.

"What?"Another one asked him.

"Make sure you meet me at 6 in the auditorium or else"He moved closer to them and leaned down. "I will make sure you will sleep peacefully under  the ground"He said and left.

At medical room

"Can anyone tell me what the hell happened?"Suga shouted at Tae,hoseok, Jimin.

"Baby you've to calm down"Hoseok said."Plus I was with you remember?"Hoseok said with a smile remembering the incidents.

"Whatever!Just tell me nah!I'm his friend"Suga asked to Tae.

"Actually"Tae started speaking."Jimin was actually locking his locker but then three men came and bullied him, he crouched down idk why he did that and then Jungkook rescued him he is still there I think"Tae completed.

"No I am here"Jungkook said.

Everyone looked at the direction where the voice came from...

"Okay!I need to know why you saved him out of nowhere?"Suga asked.

Only if Jungkook had answer for this he would've answered the question.

"I don't like people getting bullied"Jungkook said."You okay?"He asked to jimin to which he just nodded.

"Now the question is where were you?"Jungkook asked to hoseok.

"I was somewhere with someone.Why?"Hoseok blurted out,Jimin cleared his throat getting everyone's attention.

Once everyone is looking at him he suddenly lowered his head and closed his eyes.

"You need to tell something?"Jungkook asked to which he nodded his head in denial.

"Okay then!everyone leave"Jungkook said and everyone left leaving Jungkook and jimin alone.

Jungkook gone near him and sat next to him.He noticed younger feeling uncomfortable.So he respected him and distanced himself.Nobody spoke anything.

"What is your name?"Jungkook asked to the boy who is still having his head low.

He didn't want to make him uncomfortable so he got up to go when..

"Don't go"Jimin said holding his hands

"You said something?"Jungkook asked.

"You heard me"He said looking at his face.

Jungkook sat down again with a smile.

"So what is your name?"Jungkook asked.

"Jimin"He replied.

"Nice name...My name is Jungkook"He introduced himself.

"I know"He said making Jungkook surprised.

"Huh?how?"Jungkook asked.

"That boy mentioned your name"Jimin said.

Ngl,Jungkook got jealous when he said a boy talked to him.Who iss he?


"The one who were with us...Tall,young,good-looking and with black hair"Jimin said.

"OH you mean Tae"Jungkook asked taking his phone from his pocket and showing Tae  picture to which he nodded cute.

"Don't be so cute I am controlling myself not to kiss  that lips of yours"Jungkook blurted out keeping his phone in hiss pocket and realized what he said and looked up for his reaction.Little man is under sheets blushing mess.

"Okok I take my words back come out  of it"Jungkook said with a smile.

Jimin peaked first and then completely coming out of the blanket and smiled at Jungkook.

"Now,Why are you scared?"Jungkook asked.

He can see his breath not normal...something is stressing  him so much...

"Okok"Jungkook rushed to him and hugged him for awhile.

"You no need to  tell me just let it all out"Jungkook spoke.

Jimin he himself can't understand what's happening with him. He isn't understanding why he is letting him to touch him...Why his voice is doing something to him?He forgot....He forgot people who touches him will be cursed and he didn't want him to be cursed.

"Don't touch me"Jimin said pushing him gently and getting up to leave.


To be continued


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