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"Okay you want me to go alone?to grocery?"Jungkook asked to his mom.

"Leave already Jungkook"His mom said and left to the kitchen.

Jungkook left...

Jimin in their room:

Jimin saw the towel on the bed,dresses on the floor,books everywhere.He let out a long sigh and arranged the clothes.

When he gone to arrange the books,he got a call.

Call from  Love❤

"You miss me already?"Jimin asked after attending the call.

"And you aren't?"Jungkook asked.

"No I am not"Jimin said.

"Then I'm hanging up"Jungkook said.

"Hyung,I'm kidding"Jimin said.

"You better be"Jungkook said.

"Okay Okay how is your shopping going?"Jimin asked.


Jimin heard a female voice.

"OH hi Jungkook"Leena said

Leena is his childhood friend who betrayed later.

Leena can see the anger in his eyes.

But she shrugged..and continued"Awww,you missed me?"Leena asked.

"Aigooo,you both are a cute couple"An elder woman said and left.

Leena blushed not knowing that someone's jealous mode activated in the video call.

"Okay let's talk later jagi"Leena said.

"Fuck off already Leena,I'm not in the mood to talk to you"Jungkook said and moved forward.

He then remembered Jimin is on the video call.


Before he could speak Jimin hung up.

"Shit"Jungkook thought to himself and left the grocery shop buying everything.

At his home

Jimin came downstairs after arranging his room.

"Jimin"Mrs.Jeon called him.

"Oh,hi Mrs.Jeon"Jimin said and  bowed.

"Don't be so formal,take a seat jimin~ah"She said.


"Jiminieee,I know it's so hard for you.Believe me when I say I was in your situation before either"She said while jimin couldn't understand a single thing she's  speaking.

"I was also being abused by jungkook's father after giving birth to Jisoo.he abused me because I gave birth to a girl child."She said tears ready to form,Jimin moved closer to her and held her giving it a little squeeze.

"But also believe  me when I say that boy is so in love with you I swear.Don't ever lose him.He might be stupid sometimes.I still remember the day when he came crying to me at the age of five telling that he was betrayed by his childhood friend,Leena"His mother said.

"Like who in the world will get betrayed that too at the age of five?he cried so much for that girl.She used Jungkook for his friend.That was the last time I saw him crying and that was the first time he experienced love."His mother said.

"He read all the romantic books and experienced love."His mother said and jimin nodded understanding.

Now he decided to prank him cause he knew who that Leena is.

"Woahhh!!!!am I the only one who is seeing my mother talking with jimin?"Jisoo said.

"Shut up jisoo"Her mother said."I'm talking to my future son-in-law"She said.

"Oh,yeah in few days you'll be grandma too"Jisoo mocked.

Hearing this jimin face became like a tomato.He badly wants someone to save him.

"Aish,Can both of you please leave my baby?"Jungkook said.

Thank God you came,Jimin thought to himself.

"I'll be in upstairs,if you need something call me."Jimin said and gone upstairs.

"You brought all groceries?"

"Yes mom I did...I'll go fresh up"Jungkook said.

"Lemme know if it's only you or also jimin with you"Jisoo said.

"Stfu"Jungkook said and gone upstairs before someone could see his red face.

He opened his room ready to explain.He saw jimin covering himself with bedsheet.

"What is it jeon?"Jimin asked.

"Baby,you don't call me with that name"Jungkook said.

Jimin ignored him.

"Hey"Jungkook called him.


"Leena is nothing to me,you are my everything"Jungkook said.

Don't tell me those,I'm failing to do my prank,Jimin thought to himself.

"Sit down"Jimin said with a cold voice.

Jungkook sat at the corner of the bed.

With a long sigh,Jimin moved closer with blankets,this confused Jungkook but thought that maybe he's cold.

"Hyung"Jimin started to speak,cupping the older's cheeks making sure blanket is on him.

"I know you care for me.I know about Leena your mom told me everything.Don't worry I wasn't angry"Jimin said.

"Really?I thought you misundersto-"But before jungkook could even complete his sentence that pretty boy kissed on his lips.He came out of the blanket.

Jungkook widened his eyes seeing jimin half naked as if he didn't see him naked.

But he became busy kissing the boy,becoming dominant.

And not to forget,all their make out session will be disturbed by someone.

"Aish!fuck"Jungkook said and gone to answer the door with anger.He opened the door with anger evident on his eyes.He saw jisoo.

Jimin was  quick enough to put blanket on him.





"Then why are you here?"Jungkook asked and closed the door on her face.

"Duh!you've to wait for my answer dickhead"Jisoo shouted.

He heard a knock again.

"WHAT NO-"He shouted again only to see Leena again.

All the emotions came back to him.His depression,hurting everything.

"HI baby"Leena said touching his face.

"Darling,I'm Impatient here"Jimin said.

All the three watched him,half naked.

"I got business to do ladies.And Leena welcome home...Jisoo make sure you feed her something so that it'll help her brain to grow."Jungkook said and closed the door on Leena's face.

To be continued

💫💌Will You Be My Savior?(Jikook)💌💫Where stories live. Discover now