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"What if I marry another person Jungkook?"

"You won't jimin.Even if you do,I will kidnap you,cause you're mine."Jungkook replied.

"You didn't answer my question"Jungkook said.

"Why did you lock the door?"Jimin asked.

"Oh a question can be answered with another question?"Jungkook asked."First, answer my question"Jungkook said.

"What question?"Jimin asked.

"Why did you save me from my dad when he tried to kill me by risking your life?"Jungkook asked.

"Because, I would rather be in this bed than seeing you in this bed connected with all sorts of machines"Jimin said.

Jungkook kissed his plump lips for few seconds then pulled from the kiss.

"Now answer my question"Jimin said.

"Because,I'm not believing myself when I'm next to you that too this close"Jungkook whispered.

Jimin got discharged from the hospital that evening and they reached the hotel at around 10PM since it's very late.

Jungkook made sure jimin is comfortable once they entered their room.

Once they are in their room,Jungkook put him in the bed gently as he was the one who carried him all along.

"Are you hungry baby?"Jungkook asked.


"Okay,I'll order it...just tell me your orders when I ask you okay?"Jungkook asked to which he nodded.

"Words baby"Jungkook said in his deep voice.

"Ye-yes"He replied.

"Good..."After awhile he dialed to order their food..."Hello?"Jungkook said."I would like to order bibimbap,japchae...and"Jungkook looked at jimin for an answer.

"And?"The person on the other line asked.

"Tteokbokki"Jimin said.

"And tteokbokki"

"Kimchi"Jimin said again.


"And Jungkook"Jimin said.

"And Jungkook"He repeated and he realized what he said.

"Sorry"The person on the other line asked confused.

"I mean send it to the room having Jungkook as their name please...it's 456 I think"Jungkook said trying his best not to stutter.

While the other person is already on the floor rolling with a loud laughter.

"You repeated whatever I said hm?"Jimin said and started to laugh again.

But what he didn't realize is the tall figure standing infront of him dominant.

Within seconds jimin became submissive...Jimin stood up infront of him very short.

Jungkook held him by his waist,chests pressed against each other.Jimin closed his eyes when Jungkook came towards his neck to give kiss but the later didn't kiss him.He opened his eyes when he didn't feel anything,when he opened his eyes Jungkook was already looking at him.

"Hungry baby?"Jungkook asked in his deep voice.

He nodded his head.

"For me?"Jungkook asked again.

Hearing this jimin's face became tomato.He nodded his head in denial.Just then they heard a knock.Thankfully.

Jimin pushed Jungkook gently making him to fall on the bed.Is Jungkook weak or jimin became strong?not the second one obviously not after that terrible hospital food.He told Jungkook to fresh up...when jimin opened the door its no one.

Again there's a knock on door..."room service"

"Baby,get the door"Jungkook shouted.

"Sure"Jimin said and got the food.

After few minutes,he came out...

He saw the food placed at the table and JIMINNNNNNNNNNNNN just in jungkook's loose shirt which came above his knees.

"Sit down"Jimin said and sat down revealing his milky thighs.

"Hyung?"Jimin called him again.

"Y-yes?"Jungkook stuttered.

"You don't want to eat?"Jimin asked.

Jungkook came and sat down.They were talking and laughing.

"Here,try this"Jimin said and kept kimchi on Jungkook's plate revealing his milky chest.Goddddddd he knows what he is doing.

"You really knew what you're doing right?"Jungkook asked.

"Keeping kimchi in your plate is wrong thing to do?"Jimin asked.

"Fuck baby"Jungkook said and stood up.A light smile appeared on jimin's face.

"Aish,let me eat. I don't know what nonsense you're even speaking"Jimin said and continued eating.

"Yeah,you better eat everything cause you'll be having rough night today and if you didn't eat everything don't worry I will eat"Jungkook said.

"You could just eat it with me"Jimin said confused.

"Ever heard of foodplay baby?"Jungkook asked.

Fuck,jimin literally turned on jungkook thats for sure.

"Now ahhhh"Jimin said and kept the chopsticks near his mouth.

Jungkook dragged the chair and sat next to jimin very closely.

"He-"Jimin was cut off by jungkook asking..."You wore this dress while getting the food?"Jungkook asked Keeping his hands on his milky thighs.

While jimin is already getting pleasure.

"Answer me babe"Jungkook said rubbing his thighs.

"Ye-yes"Jimin said eyes closed.

Jungkook lifted him,his veiny hands coming in contact with his bare milky thighs and another one on his waist.

He made him to sit on the table,pushing away the plates aggressively.

"Ready for the punishment baby?"Jungkook asked...

To be continued...

💫💌Will You Be My Savior?(Jikook)💌💫Where stories live. Discover now