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Jungkook pov:

I know everything is too much to take for this little boy next to me sleeping in passenger seat as if a minute ago his father didn't abuse him.

"Eyes on road mister"

I came back from my thoughts when I heard his voice.

"You're making it hard for me to look at road"I said.

"Mannnnnn"He said with a blush.

Now your blush is also making it hard for me to look at road.But still I was  looking at the road.

"You want us to die or what?"He said with a chuckle.

"If I'm dying with you I would gladly die"I said.

"Imma  pretend I didn't hear it"Jimin said.I chuckled.

"Where are we going?"Jimin asked but they already reached.

They got down from the car as jungkook helped jimin to get down.He saw house..Jimin looked at jungkook with a confused face.

Jimin got down.On the other side Protective mode activated.

I held him by his waist as I took him inside my house.He was busy wondering why he is here.

End of jungkook pov

"Hello Jiminieeee"Jisoo came to take him in her arms.He gladly accepted her hug and returned it.

"Who is he?"Mrs.Jeon asked.

"OH he is jimin or should I say Jungkook's boyfriend?"Jisoo mocked them.

"Nobody asked you that"Jungkook said seeing jimin red as tomato.

"There comes another dick"Mr.Jeon voiced out.


"Jungkook"His mom started but he is already gone not forgetting to bang the door.

Jimin stood there confused.He turned his attention towards Jisoo who let out a sigh she is holding too long.

"Don't worry about it.He just hates our father plus you can go fresh up you must be tired."Jisoo said.

"Where is my room?"Jimin asked.

"The one jungkook banged the  door"She replied  with a  wink.Jimin just widened his eyes.

Jimin then took the steps and opened the door to make sure he didn't disturb jungkook cause he didn't wanna face angry jungkook.

To his surprise he's not there.Window is closed,fan is slow, don't know where is the remote control of air conditioner. He unbuttoned his shirt fully and decided to open the window but....

The bathroom door is open revealing jungkook only in towel.Jimin closed his eyes forgetting that he unbuttoned his shirt either.Jungkook gone closer to jimin,pulling him by his waist.

"Put your buttons before I rip your shirt from your body and give you purple marks all over in your milky skin"Jungkook whispered.

Jimin decided to tease him.

"Is that so?Let me see if this milky skin is going to have purple marks or not"Jimin replied with a smirk.

"You're picking a dangerous choice kitten"Jungkook said in his husky voice.

Jimin's smirk not leaving his face.Jungkook threw him on the bed and got on top of him.

A Lil bit of smut ahead:

Jungkook kissed his forehead,eyes,nose and finally his lips as if his life is depended on that kiss.Jimin was quick enough to return the kiss.After few mins jimin tapped his shoulder. Older understood that the younger needs air and parted away.

He then snuggled on his neck giving him hickeys all over the neck.Jimin is a moaning mess right now.

Jungkook then removed jimin's shirt which is already unbuttoned and saw his milky chest.He nuzzled in his chest and gave him a kiss on his left nipple and played with his right nipple.

"Want yo....ahhh....you inside ahhhhmmm meee ahhhh"Jimin said in between his moans.

Jungkook followed what younger one said.He removed Jimin's pant and placed a kiss on his inner thigh.

"Ahhhh....mmmm....ahhh"Jimin moaned like a mad man out there.

Jungkook then removed his towel and placed his huge dick inside his small hole and thrusted.

"Fast....ahhh...faster hyung ahh.."Jimin said and jungkook went in an animalistic speed.

"Ahhhhh"Jimin screamed.

"Just a few mins baby"Jungkook said and kissed his nipples and lips to make him feel less pain.

"Jungkook~ahhh"A voice interrupted their love making session.

"What?"Jungkook groaned.

"Father is calling you"Jisoo said.

Annoyingly jungkook got up seeing jimin naked and all the purple marks visible enough.

"Your wish,my command"Jungkook said

To be continued

This is me writing smut for the first time if you find any mistakes please spare me😅

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