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"Jimin's father is here"Jisoo said.

"We will be there"Jungkook said,understanding the situation jisoo left.

"Let's go babe"Jungkook said.

"Su-sure"Jimin said trying not to show his scared face.

They both came downstairs

"Jiminieee"His father called him,he came towards him.

Jimin flinched.

"Let's go home babyboy"He said.

"I am not coming"Jimin said in a low voice.

His father held his hair tightly. "I am trying my best to be calm with you,don't test my patience"He said.

"Fucking take your flithy hands from him"Jisoo shouted.

Jungkook turned around to look at her.His dialogue is stolen by this girl.

"What does this slut did to you?"Mr.Jeon asked.

Now jungkook understood why jimin's father is suddenly in his house.

"I won't think twice to cut that tongue of yours"Jungkook said.

"Calm down hyung"Jimin said hiding from his back.

"Look,whomever you are I'm here to take my son to our house"Mr.Park said looking at jungkook.

"If he is your son,then why all these marks are here?"Jungkook asked showing his wounds in his head,hands and legs.

"He is my son I can do whatever I want"Mr.Park said.

Jimin left the scene.All eyes followed him.He came back with knife in his hand.

He came straight to Mr.Jeon, and gave him the knife he is holding.

"Kill your son"Jimin said.

Everybody is taken aback.Mr.Jeon grabbed the knife from his hand.

"NOOOO Jeon,what the heck are you doing??"Mrs.Jeon shouted.

"Dad,he is your son for God's sake"Jisoo shouted.

All this time, Jungkook looked at Jimin.Wiith a smile in his eyes.The moment of betrayal he felt.

Jimin smirked looking at him.

Jungkook realized all this time, jimin's love is fake and they were planning to kill jungkook all this time.But why???

Mr.Jeon came to his son...a pause.

"Know what?"Jimin spoke.

Everyone was looking at him.

"That pause you literally did was appreciated.If the same knife was given to my dad and someone said to kill me,I would've been in ground already. That was the love and affection I missed all this time."Jimin said and is already on his knees.

"But believe me when I say I was surprised when it was given by jungkook.He could've ignored me for getting bullied and getting abused but he stood with me.Please,let me live my life.I know you hate me for being born but please let me live for him"Jimin said almost begging.

Mr.Park held his hair tightly.

"Get up asshole,it was a nice drama.Get u-"

Jungkook held Mr.Park's hair from back.

"I already warned you not to come near me or what's mine."Jungkook said.

"Aish,I should've killed you already"Mr.Jeon shouted.

"I fucking don't care Mr.Jeon"Jungkook shouted.

"Jungkook,leave his hair"Jimin said.

"Baby bu-"

"Please bub?"Jimin pleaded.

Slowly jungkook released his hair.

"Kookie"Jimin shouted pushing his father aside.

He saw Mr.Jeon coming with knife to kill jungkook but jimin hugged and swirled him,making Mr.Jeon stab jimin on his back.

"Jimin"Jungkook shouted and held him.

"Jimin"Mr.Park shouted pushing jungkook aside and held jimin tight.

Jimin smiled.

"Jimin,don't leave me yet.No don't leave me.Mr.Jeon,I did what you fucking told and you stabbed my son."Mr.Park shouted.

"Hyung"Jimin called him.

"Here baby"Jungkook replied.

"Save me this one time,I'll defend for myself next time"

At hospital

They took him to the hospital nearby.Jisoo was sitting next to jungkook calming him down while Mrs.Jeon was sitting next to Mr.Jeon.

Mr.Park was sitting crying his heart out regretting each and every decision he took.

"Can you please shut the fuckk up??"Jungkook shouted looking at Mr.Park.

"If something happens to him,I am damn sure I'll send both of you to hell"Jungkook said with gritted teeth.

Jisoo tried to calm him down but nothing worked out.

Doctor came out.

"Mr.Jeon"He started looking at jungkook.

"We saved him,but he needs complete bedrest for a month"He said.

"And here are some medicines,make sure he eats it everyday.For now, no one is allowed to go see him after an hour we will let you go inside."He said and left.

"Mom"Jungkook whispered.

"Yes darling?"She said.

"We have our graduation in a month. Mom,it should've happened to me mom.He should've killed me mom.Why did he come in-between mom?"Jungkook let all his tears he is holding.

"It's not a big deal"Mr.Jeon said.

"Fvcking shut up!"Jungkook shouted.

To be continued

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