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Next day:

They both woke up late and  blaming each other.

"It's your fault"Jimin said.

"How?"Jungkook asked.

Taken aback by a sudden question he still answered "its just,it's just you can't control yesterday so we have to stay up for 'it' till 1 that we forgot about the assignment it's all your fault"Jimin said.

"So,you're regretting it now?"Jungkook asked hurt evident in his eyes.

"Hyung that's not wha-"

"Jungkook,you've to get ready...enough of you talking with him"His mom interrupted.

Jungkook left the place.He gone to his room took bath changed his clothes and came downstairs for breakfast.

Jimin came downstairs, he saw jungkook is sitting in between his mom and his sister.Jimin sat next to jisoo.Jisoo noticed something is wrong with them.And she don't want to interfere ofc.

"Mom"Jisoo started speaking getting everyone's attention.

"Can you feed me mom?I got cut in my finger this morning and it's hurting"She requested.

"Sure,darling.Come sit next to me.Jungkook go sit next to jimin"She said.

Jungkook followed it cause he don't want his mom getting angry.

They settled in their chair peacefully eating.

"Jungkook"Jimin whispered so that the conversation would have some privacy.

Jungkook doesn't know whether to reply to him or just ignore him.Like his heart want him to wipe jimin's lips which is with sauce by his lips but his brain wants him to just ignore.

"Please don't be mad at me nah?"Jimin said with a pout.

And how is he supposed to ignore that pout of his?he want to kiss him so bad.

"You're not going to talk?"Jimin asked again.

"It's late sweeties,you can talk at evening."His mom interrupted.

Jungkook got up and left.Jimin let out a long sigh,holding his tears.

He gone to his locker where he has all his precious things.He took all the necessary items he wants for today.He didn't see Jungkook anywhere.

And he can assure that he didn't mean even a single word that came out of his mouth.But atlast he is the one who hurted him.Too lost in his thoughts he didn't see the people infront of him.His bullies again.

Skip if you're uncomfortable...

"Came to know you're a gay?"One said.

"What about trying me slut?"Another one said.

"I really want to know how that plump lips of yours tastes"He said.

Jimin is getting all his past back.He doesn't want to remember anything from his past.

His dad tried every possible ways to ruin his life and he tried every possible ways to forget it and continue his happy life.

They started to touch him.

A tight slap landed on his face.

"Stay in your limits dickhead"

And with that he felt someone dragging him away from there.

You can start reading from here...

"Are you okay jimin?"A female voice heard.

He looked up only to see his classmate,Tzuyu.

"I'm ok-okay,thanks for saving me"Jimin said and left with a bow.

He gone to Jungkook's home after his classes.He couldn't concentrate in his classes.When his professor asked him what happened he said he wasn't feeling well.

He was so fucking tired.Tired of how he is letting everyone treating him like a shit.Oh,how much he is wishing for jungkook to come and hug him rn.But he shouldn't expect much not after what he said to him this morning.

And he don't know when he fell asleep.

He woke up only to see emptiness filled in the room.He didn't see Jungkook yet.

In downstairs

"You know what happened today or not?"Jisoo asked standing infront of jungkook.

"What happened?"Jungkook asked.

"It clearly says that you're cutting classes"Jisoo said.

"Well,no!I didn't go to uni today"Jungkook said.

"Why?"His mom asked.

"I don't know.I wish I could know why I didn't go to class either."He said.

His mom let out a long sigh.

"Whatever,you are coming to my room. I want to have a private talk with you"Jisoo said.


"It involves jimin, jungkook understand it"She said.

The minute she said his name he knew he messed up something very badly.

They gone to her room.

"What happened?"He asked not wanting to hear something very bad cause he was angry at morning.And he needs break for himself to clear his mind.He planned to talk to him once he returned home.He promised to himself.

"I know something happened between you two.Fucking talk the shit and solve it out!!!But it's okay to do mistakes kookie!Go hold him now,he needs you now so much"She said with a sad smile.

Jungkook nodded and got up to go hold his lover.He still didn't understand what his sister is trying to tell.

In upstairs

Jimin stood infront of the mirror.

He examined his body. He stood there for minutes?hours?time passed.

He let out a long sigh and sat on the floor.He wanted to cry.And he is crying,he is tired of pretending everything is fine.

"Jimin"He heard jungkook's mother calling him.

Shit he forgot to lock the door.

To be continued

💫💌Will You Be My Savior?(Jikook)💌💫Where stories live. Discover now