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"Help me jisoo"Jungkook said.

"What th-"

"Unnie"A girl's voice was heard.

They both looked at each other getting an idea.

"Aira"Jungkook called."Come,I will introduce you to someone huh no wait wait.Here,wait with jisoo unnie okay?I will go get the person you've to meet"Jungkook said.

"Okay oppa"Aira said and waited.

In the room

"Don't worry about Jungkook oka-"She said.

"Minieeee"Jungkook called."Oh,aunty!I am sorry,but aira wants to meet jimin"He reasoned.

"Oh that little girl came?"She asked.

"Yea aunty,she's waiting outside.Dad said he wants to meet you,so he said you to stay here"Jungkook said.

"Okay"She said.

Jimin stood and walked towards Jungkook.

"Baby"Jungkook called him.

"Stop calling me,you literally forgot me"Jimin complained.

"I am sorry nah?"Jungkook said with a pout.

"Fine,I will forgive you this one time okay?"Jimin said to which Jungkook nodded.

They came near the entrance.

"Jungkook oppa"Aira called him.He carried her in his arms.

"Aira,meet jimin!"Jungkook said.

"Hi"Aira said.

"Hi aira"Jimin said."You look cute in this dress"Jimin said.

"Jisoo,carry this little girl"Jungkook said and went near to jimin.

"Aigoooo,aira let's go inside and play"Jisoo said.


A voice jisoo was waiting for...

"Nayeon"Jisoo shouted and hugged her and after sometime they broke the hug.

"Aira,go inside baby unnie will be there in a minute"Jisoo said to her and she went in like a obedient girl.

Jisoo and nayeon are both cousins, who knew each other's secret very well.

"Where is uncle nayeon?"Jisoo asked.

"He is coming"She replied back."I will go inside and play with aira,tc!"She said and left.

"Jiminieee,that's our uncle and her daughter nayeon"Jungkook said.

"And his crush Jisoo whispered so that it's only audible for the three alone.

"Oh?crush?"Jimin asked glaring at jungkook.

"It's ch-childhood cr-crush,she means nothing to me minie"Jungkook stuttered.

Jimin just glared at him.

"If your body is near river nah,Mumma wouldn't be surprised mark my words"Jungkook said with gritted teeth.

Everyone came and they all went inside.

"Ladies and gentlemen,I welcome everyone who is present over here!!!"Nayeon said.

"Your childhood crush"Jimin whispered to jungkook.

Jungkook just cleared his throat."Guess,this man is dangerous when he is jealous"Jungkook thought to himself.

"It's Mrs.Jeon's birthday,and I invite Mr and Mrs.Jeon to the stage and also his family"Nayeon said.

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