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Jungkook, my love

"Why is that you've to ruin everything?"Jungkook said frustrated.

"What did I ruin?"

"You ruined my life"Jungkook said.

"What?heck no!!!!you're having arrears and blaming me???How am I even related here?"

"OH!my lovely dovey sister,Jisoo you ruined my love life now if you excuse me!"Jungkook said and was about to leave.

"Awwwww,my baby boy is a man now?"Jisoo cooed

Jungkook hid his blush and smirked.

"Yahhh"Jisoo shouted.

"Okok now help me out you ruined it"Jungkook fake pouted.

"I said I'm not"Jisoo fought back.

"Yes you did"

"Will you please both stop?"A patient in next bed said annoyed.

"Okok!Now come!I'll sort it out"Jisoo said.

"Fvcking liar"Jungkook said.

"Language mister"

"Okay how are we going to sort this thing?"Jungkook said

"I'm going to talk to him"Jisoo said

"What?Hell no!"Jungkook shouted.

"Aish!Come come"Jisoo dragged him outside and told him to search for him.

"There he is"Jungkook said.

Jimin pov

Why is that everything I believe is becoming fake?

Do I even deserve the word love?

I am not understanding why jungkook proposed me when he already have a girlfriend*sighs*

Maybe he wants one night stand.If that is so I will give him what he wants and walk out of his life.

My thoughts were interrupted by jungkook calling my name.There he is with his girlfriend.

End of jimin pov

"What do you want?"Jimin asked.

"Jim-"Jungkook was cut off by Jimin.

"One night stand"Jimin asked.

Hearing this both Jungkook's and Jisoo's eyes got widened.

"Wha-"Jimin was cut off by Jisoo.

"I am his sister"She said.

"How ca-can I bel-believe you?"His stuttering is enough to tell he is embarrassed deep down.

Jisoo took her phone and showed their childhood picture.

"Wowwwww!!!!you both look cute in this photo"Jimin took the phone and cooed.

He heard them chuckling.Being embarrassed he put his head down.Wanting to disappear.

Jungkook held his chin and made him to look at his face.

Thankfully Jisoo got a phone call otherwise she wouldn't know how to run from their romance.

Jimin looked up,Jungkook's face screaming that he deserves love.

"What is it chicky?"Jungkook asked.

"You seriously didn't tell me you have a sister"Jimin said softly punching his chest.

"You didn't let me,you ran within I could even explain"Jungkook said.

"Okay what about the first time we met?"Jimin asked.

"You were ignoring me remember?"Jungkook said.

"Fvck this"Jimin swear using his cute voice getting a chuckle from Jungkook

"What's so funny mister?"Jimin asked.

"Nothing. So?"Jungkook asked and came closer.

"So?"Jimin asked taking a step back.

Jungkook pulled him closer by his waist.

"Jungkook what are you doing?We're in canteen and everyone is looking at us " Jimin said.

One time Jimin was standing next time he's in Jungkook arms.

"Jungkook where are we going?"Jimin asked only to get silence in return.

He took him to rooftop where all the extra tables,chairs,benches were kept.

Jungkook placed him on the table and whispered "one night stand?"

Jimin's eyes widened.

"I..I....it's nothing"Jimin said and pushed him lightly getting down from the table he sat.

Jungkook held his wrist and made him to sit on the table again.

"Are you blushing baby?"Jungkook asked.

"No I am not"Jimin said hiding his cheeks.

"Yes you are"Jungkook said coming close to his face.

Jimin's heartbeat raised.

Jungkook leaned in. Jimin closed his eyes.But he can't feel anything he opened his eyes only to see...

To be continued.

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