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"Hi sweetheart"

Jimin holds jungkook's hand so tight.This will happen only when he is scared.

What's there to be scared?He is just a stranger.

"Hey,don't you know manners?Who are you?"Jungkook asked.

"Seems like you didn't tell about me to him sweety"He said.

"You know him?"Jungkook asked looking at jimin.

There was a huge silence.

"Jimin,you gotta speak sweety!Okay,I think you're shy I'll tell him by myself.Hi,I am minhyun.His boyfriend."He introduced himself.

"Ex"Jimin spoke for the first time.

"You had ex?"Jungkook asked.

Jimin nodded looking at his lap.

It's too much for Jungkook to take.First,his father called him for some stupid reason.Second,he saw his lover almost dead.Third,now his lover is having an ex.And I don't know anything about this.

A secret that's meant to be held has now opened.


"I'll be get going"Jungkook said and stood up.

"Hyung stop"Jimin said seeing Jungkook leaving.

"Why the fuck are you here?"Jimin asked not at all happy to see his ex.Cause he is also just like his father.The only thing was his father abused him physically and mentally while he abused him mentally.

"You got guts to speak?Your father called me telling that you missed me."He said.

"Miss?miss you?what a rubbish thing!"Jimin said trying to get up but there was a sharp pain in his stomach.

"You shouldn't stress yourself since your baby has died in your stomach it's paining"He said.

"I was never pregnant"Jimin said getting up."Now move!I had enough of you and my father!"Jimin said walking out of the room.

"Jimin"Mrs.Jeon called him.

"Eomma,I need to find Jungkook where is he?"Jimin asked.

"What's wrong with jungkook?why is he so angry?"Jisoo asked."Who are you?"She asked looking at minhyun.

"He's not important jisoo. Where were y'all when he entered?"Jimin asked.

"Dad took us to buy something to eat"Jisoo said.

Jimin let out a long sigh."I need to find Jungkook please help me"Jimin begged.

Both jisoo and Mrs.Jeon is clueless.

"Jimin,we will find him."Mrs.Jeon said.

"Let's go"Jimin said.

"It's midnight Jimin. We will search for him tomorrow"Mrs.Jeon said.

"I should've told him yesterday. It was my mistake"Jimin said crouching down.

"Hey!dear,you'll find him tomorrow in graduation"Jisoo said.

Only then he seemed to calm down.

He was too stubborn to go inside the room and sleep.He kept on told them he will be sitting here so that when Jungkook comes he will explain everything.

"Minnie,I will tell him to come inside once he came. I promise.You know he will obey me don't you?"Mrs.Jeon said.

Jimin nodded and then went inside.

💫💌Will You Be My Savior?(Jikook)💌💫Where stories live. Discover now