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Next day

Jungkook woke up by his phone ringing...Jimin snuggled a little and went back to his dreamland.


"Jungkook, it's me jimin's father"He said.

He got annoyed just hearing his voice.

"I want to meet jimin to ask for his forgiveness"He said.

Jungkook started to laugh.

"Nice try Mr.Park,Plan something even better with my father I am not falling for this lie.We are not coming."Jungkook said.

"I am serious"He said.

"So am i"Jungkook said.

"Jungkook, I promise this isn't trick"

"How am I supposed to believe you?"

"Come and have dinner with me"He said and hung up the call.

"This punk"Jungkook cursed and kept his phone on the side table.

He looked at the man sleeping next to him beautifully.Yesterday night was indeed a beautiful one.

Then jungkook remembered everything.


He carried jimin to their room.

"Why don't you go carry your CHILDHOOD CRUSH?"Jimin asked.

"I never had a chance to."Jungkook said.

"Put me down"Jimin said and jungkook did as he said.

"She's downstairs you can go"Jimin said and hurriedly went to their room.

But within jimin could close the door Jungkook entered the room.

With a groan he was about to go but within he could go he was slammed against the door.

"Is my Minnie angry?"Jungkook asked.

"I am not"Jimin said.

"Oh are you jealous then?"Jungkook asked again.

"Why don't you go have fun with your CHILDHOOD CRUSH?"Jimin asked.

Jungkook chuckled.

"Leave me asshole"Jimin said.

"Don't turn me on already Minie"Jungkook said.

"Believe me Jungkook, I am not even trying to turn you on but here you're telling me not to turn you on"Jimin said.

Jungkook didn't listen to what he said.He is just controlling himself not to fuck this angel infront of him.

"You didn't even compliment me today"Jungkook said with a pout.

"Damn sure,your crush would've compliment-"

He was cut off by jungkook kissing his lips.

They both were trying to become dominant. But atlast it's Jungkook who is dominant.Then they both broke their kiss.

"Finally, I turned you on?"Jimin asked with a smile.

"Be happy that I didn't fuxk you infront of the guests"Jungkook said kissing his forehead.

"Ohhhh,that would be romantic"Jimin said.

"We are doing it,Let people know whom we both belong to"Jungkook said.

"That would be tiresome, let my hole know to which it belongs to"Jimin said.

"You're bold minie"Jungkook said."As you wish"Jungkook said and took jimin to bed making him to sit.

"I feel bad"Jungkook said.

"Don't worry about me."Jimin asked.

"Not about you,but about your dress"Jungkook said.

"Seriously?"Jimin asked with a scoff.

"Mhm-mhm"Jungkook said and leaned in for another kiss.

This time,the kiss was smooth.Jungkook's hand went straight to jimin's shirt.He removed the buttons.

Jungkook then kissed his neck,his sensitive area to be specific.

"Ahh~Kookie"Jimin moaned.

Then his collarbone.

Then his nipples.

Then he removed his pants and also jimin's.

(Rest I'm leaving it to your imagination...)

End of flashback

"If you've completed staring this angel sleeping next to you,you can go fresh up"Jimin said who woke up now.

"I haven't completed yet"Jungkook said.

"Fuck"Jimin cursed at him.

"I already fucked you babe"He replied back.

"Stop it"Jimin said hiding his face with blanket.

"Okay Okay,come out cherry"Jungkook said.

He came out of the blanket.Both keeping silent.

"Cherry"Jungkook called him.

"Yes?"Jimin replied looking at him with a smile.

Jungkook adjusted himself hugging jimin's waist like he might disappear in the air with his left hand.

"Remember, telling me you want to stand up for yourself?"Jungkook asked.

"Yes"Jimin said excitement crystal clear in his voice getting up forgetting that he is naked.

When he realized he is naked,he again laid down covering himself with blanket till its near his chin.

"It's not like I haven't seen it babe"Jungkook said with a chuckle.

"Shut up:\"He said.

"Okay,as I was saying what do you think about that?"Jungkook asked.

"I'm okay with it but how"Jimin asked.

"First and foremost we've to meet your father"Jungkook said.

To be continued

I'm sorry if I disappointed you by not writing smut. 🥴💀

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