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As for Leena she doesn't know what to do.All in her life she never experienced rejection but for the first time she experienced it.

She left the house telling that she got works to do and she will visit again.

But in reality she is never going to visit.Jisoo knew she isn't going to visit so with a smirk she left cause who wants to hear jimin moans and screams?

When Jungkook locked the door with most satisfied smile and turned around,he saw jimin covered in blanket.

With a smirk he came towards jimin,and sat near him.

"What?"Jimin asked.

"You come out of the blanket by yourself or else there won't be pants either on you"Jungkook said.

"I am not doing it"Jimin said with a shy smile holding the bedsheet too close to him with his hands.

"Okay what about that 'Impatient much' part?"Jungkook asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hyung"Jimin whined wanting to stop his hyung with teasing.

"You're whining already?"Jungkook asked.

Well,he doesn't wanna give up yet.

"Stop it already"Jimin said closing his face with his little hands.

Oops,he forgot about the blanket...He took his hands from his face and was about to cover himself with the blanket.

Jungkook was quick enough to hold the bedsheet preventing jimin from covering it.

"Hyung"Jimin whined.

"Covering yourself is not happening here."Jungkook said.

"I'm cold"Jimin said pretending to be cold.

"I'll make you warm"Jungkook said his smirk growing even more.

"Blankets can do way better than you"Jimin said.

"Wanna try baby?"Jungkook asked.

"Enough already"Jimin said sulking.

"Okay,I am done"Jungkook said.

Jimin smiled looking at him.

"Don't turn me on again"Jungkook said.

"Just my smile is turning you on?"Jimin asked.

"You don't know how much impact you have on me."Jungkook said with a sincere smile.

Only then he remembered he is having a collection of smutty books on his shelve.

He got up quickly and went to his shelve.

"I already saw those and that's why I even removed my shirt,to turn you on and it worked well.Not to lie,Leena did a pretty good job"Jimin admitted.

He don't know when but now jimin is on his lap,blanket covering both of them.

"You're Needy for your hubby touch hm?"Jungkook asked,kissing jimin's neck.

"Ummm...maybe?"Jimin said with a hiss.

"Bold huh?"Jungkook asked making the younger blush.

"If you don't want it's okay"Jimin said getting down from his lap and creating a little distance.

"Says who?"Jungkook asked making him to sit on his lap.

Jimin chuckled.

"Tell me,why do you read smuts?"Jimin asked knowing very well that if he tries to distract Jungkook,somebody would knock the door and he won't be laid tonight.

"So that I'll get some idea"He replied.

"Idea for what?"Jimin asked confused.

"Idea for fucking you"Jungkook said.

"You don't have shame,do you?"Jimin asked with a scoff.

"I don't"Jungkook said with a smirk."You won't be telling this to my family,do you get it?"Jungkook warned.

"What if I say?"Jimin asked with a smirk.

"I won't care about you limping around the house if you tell them."Jungkook said with a smirk.

"God,how much I really wanna remove that smirk from your face"Jimin replied.

"Don't try to distract me babe,nobody's at house meaning I can do whatever and whenever I want.Sudden plan,my dad has to go abroad so mom gone to send him off and jisoo went to shopping,well I can also say it like I forcefully sent her."Jungkook said.

"Bu-bu-"Jimin was cut off by jungkook kissing him hard on his lips.

Jimin gave in and kissed him back only to be interrupted by the ringtone of jk's phone.

With a growl,they both parted away and jk spoke to his sister on his phone annoyed on loudspeaker.

"What do you want?"Jungkook asked.

"Well,dad wants to meet you in airport and pick our mom from airport."Jisoo said on the phone call.She said and hung up the phone.

"God has a way to ruin our moments"Jungkook said with a sigh taking his coat and wearing it.

"Maybe because he is protecting his angel from you being wild so that his angel will be a virgin"Jimin said with a smile.

"Darling, devil has its own plan to take God's angel. And fyi,I've already fucked his finest creature which means"Jungkook said and leaned down "You are not a Virgin anymore"he whispered and pecked his lips.

"Yahhh,stop right there"Jimin said,it took awhile for him to process.He ran behind jk who's walking casually as if his bf isn't running.

"Take care Minnie,don't allow strangers inside that includes Jisoo."Jungkook said and left,while jimin chuckled and closed the door without locking.

It's time to dive into smutty books he thought and started reading.

After sometime

Jungkook picked up his mom from the airport.

His mom said she's tired and went to her room to sleep.He gone upstairs.He knocked on his room's door but it was open.

He went inside and saw his lover sleeping.But it didn't catch his attention what caught his attention is his hoodie pulled up revealing his petite waist and his stomach.

Jungkook gone towards him and sat next to him only to see him reading smut instead of getting projects ready for tomorrow.

They were on their summer holidays, their uni gave them alot of assignments which Jungkook is less worried about.

His hands inside his hoodie traveling upto jimin's chest playing with his nipple.

To be continued

Sorry it took sometime to post this chapter.

I didn't have ideas so.. anyways enjoy.

💫💌Will You Be My Savior?(Jikook)💌💫Where stories live. Discover now