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"Ready for the punishment baby?"Jungkook asked.

"Jungkook,istg that-"

He was cut off by jungkook licking his sensitive spot.

"Ahhh jung-ahhh"Jimin moaned.

"You know I hate it when someone see you like that don't you?"Jungkook asked showing his jealous side.

"Okay I am sorry,I won't do it anymore"Jimin said.

"Promise?"Jungkook asked.

"I promise"Jimin replied.

Then jungkook released him from his hold,Jimin tried to get down but within he could do jungkook carried him in his arms in bridal style.

"What are you doing?"
"Where are you going?"
They both asked in unison.

"I've to change my dress ofc...Can you put me down?"Jimin asked.

"Sorry,but doctor said you to rest fully for a month"Jungkook said and took him near to the suitcase which is on their bed opened.

"Choose one dress"Jungkook said.

This is time for jimin to tease him.

"I would go with this one don't ya think?"Jimin asked showing him crop top and shorts.


"Why?"Jimin whined.

"You're not going out with this"Jungkook said jealousy crystal clear in his voice.

"Okay"Jimin said and took a t-shirt and shorts.

"Why don't you have shirts and pants to cover yourself?"Jungkook asked.

"I do have some but c'mon dude who's going to wear those when I have all these?"Jimin said.

Jungkook threw him in the bed gently and hovered him,caged him like he can't even escape.

"Hear me out babyboy,You aren't wearing any revealing dress if you're going out.Those revealing dress should be worn only infront of me.In public,I want you to cover yourself."Jungkook said.

"Otherwise?"Jimin asked.

"You won't be walking around in public...you would be limping around"Jungkook said with a smirk.

"God,Jungkook you and your jealousy"Jimin said and pushed him gently making him fall on the bed and got up to change his dress.

After few minutes he came out wearing t-shirt and pant.

He went to sleep without making any eye contact with jungkook.

Jungkook pulled him closer to him and whispered good night in his ears.

Next day

Jungkook woke up a little late he saw the bed empty next to him.

"Get ready soon"Jimin said and went out to eat.

Jungkook knew he fucked up.Within few minutes he got freshed up and went downstairs.

He sat in the table where jimin sat.Jimin didn't even look at jungkook.

"Baby"Jungkook said.

"Yes?"Jimin looked at him.

"Don't be angry at me nah"Jungkook said.

"Why shouldn't I wear short dress at public?"Jimin asked

But within jungkook could answer a stranger came.

"I am sorry to interrupt but hey you looked beautiful in the dress you wore yesterday. Are you by chance single?Can I hav-"

"Ouch!you had high expectations!He is already taken"Jungkook said pointing his hands at jimin. "By me"Now he pointed his hands to himself.

"Ohhh!Sorry then!My bad.Anyways nice to meet you"He said and left.

"Aish!this shit"He said swearing at the man who left.

He heard a giggle.

"You're enjoying it.Aren't you?"Jungkook asked.

He just shrugged.

"C'mon babyboy,it's getting late already!We have to hurry up."Jimin said and got up heading to their room to take their luggage.

But jungkook took him in bridal style.

"What are you doing Jungkook?everyone's looking at us"Jimin said.

"Taking care of my wifeyyyyy apparently"Jungkook said.

"Who is your wife?I am not your wife"Jimin said.

"Yes,you are"He said with a smirk.

"Whatever"Jimin said.

After sometime they reached to Jungkook's home.

"Goddddd,Jimin sweetie how are you?"Mrs.Jeon asked.

"Yeah good,Mrs.Jeon"He replied.

"Come sit down"Mrs.Jeon told and made him to sit down.

"Doctor said you discharged yesterday evening itself...where were you?"Jisoo asked.

"Ohhhh about that we went to hotel,since it was very late"Jimin said.

"Ohhh"Jisoo said with a smirk.

"Don't think anything bad"Mrs.Jeon said."Where is Jungkook?"She asked.

"Hyung came along with me but now I don't know where he went...I will go look for him"Jimin said.

"Jimin,but you shouldn't be roaming,doctor said you've to take bedrest for a month"She shouted.

"It's okay aunty,I won't take more time"Jimin shouted and left to garden.

He saw jungkook speaking to someone in phone call.

"God,this man didn't even look at me.Everything is acting the way he said he would take care of me everything."Jimin is too lost in his thoughts.


Jimin jumped a little.

"Owwww got scared?"Jungkook asked.

"Hyung"Jimin whined.

"Stop with your whining and get ready for tomorrow's party got it?"Jungkook said.

"What party?you didn't tell me anything?"Jimin asked.

"Owwww,shut up....It's a surprise party for mother.It's her birthday tomorrow."Jungkook said.

"Goddammit Jungkook"Jimin said and gone inside stomping his feet.

To be continued

💫💌Will You Be My Savior?(Jikook)💌💫Where stories live. Discover now