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Jimin is wide awake when jungkook started to play wild.

He started to act like he's asleep...that's when he realized his hands traveled down and started to tickle him.

He opened his eyes cause he is so sensitive...

"I thought your sensitive spot is Here"Jungkook said pointing his neck.

Jimin just shook his head and saw that the smutty book is lying on his lap.He quickly hid it only to see smirk on other's face.

"Baby,come on let's do our assignments"Jungkook said to the boy.

"What in the hell Jungkook it's 7 in the night?"Jimin whined.

"It's not that late baby,plus you just woke up so-"

Jungkook got cut off by Jimin.

"But you didn't"Jimin said pulling Jungkook towards him.

"It's okay baby,I'm not sleepy"Jungkook said.

As far as jungkook heard,jimin is a good and obedient student who does his work on time.But he is scared that he spoiled his baby.

"What are you thinking?"Jimin asked that he failed to notice the little pout on his face.

"I think I spoiled you too much"Jungkook blabbered.

"What hell no!!"Jimin said and got up."Come on let's do it"Jimin said dragging to the study table.

Jimin made jungkook sat on the chair and gone to drag chair but no his big baby won't let him sit in chair.Jungkook felt more comfortable making jimin sit on his lap.

Jimin sat as if nothing happened.As if he didn't get butterflies when Jungkook made him to sit on his lap. Jimin adjusted his position and sat on his bf's lap.

"If you move even a bit from now on,believe me when I say I might fuck you on the table"Jungkook said knowing very well that jimin is doing everything intentionally.Jimin's smile and smirk says that he already knew what's gonna  happen next.

He planned everything to make jungkook turn on.But that boy is doing everything to be gentle and not come up with a happy news.Not yet.

"Owwww,if so then we wouldn't be able to do our project."Jimin said acting innocent.

"Yeah, let's do it"Jungkook said.

They both started doing their project. It was boring ofcourse for jimin.So he decided to apply the glue on Jungkook's hand and make it funnier.

He applied the glue on his hand and started to laugh.

"I would've been happy if it's your slick and not the glue"Jungkook said making jimin choke.

"You okay baby?"Jungkook asked as he saw him coughing continuously.He made him to sit on the table and was about to get water for him but he pulled jungkook by his wrist and locked their lips making him stand between his legs.

Jungkook is amazed that he forget to kiss him back.

"I'm sorry if I made you unc-"Jimin was cut off by jk's lips on his.

"I've to put up so much act just to feel your lips on mine"Jimin said pulling out after sometime.

"I can't help that you're horny"Jungkook said.

"I can't help that you're making me horny"Jimin said.

"God,baby stop.I am begging you."Jungkook said blushing.

"I should be the one to beg you to stop"Jimin said acting innocent.

"Your wish,my command"Jungkook can't control.Not anymore.Jungkook kissed his forehead,eyes,nose,his plump lips and then his neck.

Jimin hissed.

"I am not wrong, that is indeed your sensitive spot"Jungkook said leaving hickeys on his neck.

He then again kissed his plump lips and squeezed his waist.Jimin moaned when he squeezed his waist and this gave a perfect entry to explore his mouth.

He removed his buttons and carried him,not leaving his lips and slammed against the wall.He made jimin stand against the wall.Hands tied with Jungkook's.

He removed his shirt and threw it somewhere.He saw his nipples,inviting him.He gladly accepted the invitation.

Jungkook was sucking on his nipples,jimin threw his head back making it more comfortable for Jungkook.

He sucked on his right nipple playing with left and vice versa.Jimin held his hair and gave more access for jungkook to suck.

"Ahhh hy- ahhh hyung,it's so ni- ahhh"Jimin moaned.

(Rest I'm leaving to your imagination, I'm sorry idk hw to continue this)

They both woke up and saw the mess they created,its currently 1 in the morning they wanted to sleep but they forgot their assignment.

Jimin changed after the minute they started to read.The one who's begging to fuck is now begging to shut up.

"You better stop reading these books and start reading smut books more"Jungkook said to which jimin blushed.

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