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Jisoo interrupted their session making Jungkook angry but what she said next made him even more angrier.

"Father called you downstairs"

He saw the human,breathing heavily,chest raising up and down.

"You look so damn hot"Jungkook said and leaned down for a quick peck.

Getting down from that human is hard for Jungkook but for the sake of his father he got down.And they both took a quick shower.

Nothing bad happened there.

When Jungkook opened their room door to leave,Jimin pulled him by his shirt and closed the door.

"Needy?"Jungkook asked Leaning for a kiss.

Instead of  kiss he got a slap on his lips.

"Why are you always pervert?"Jimin asked.

"What?"Jungkook whined.

"Listen,I don't want any problems whatever he says listen to it even if he says me to leave this house you've to accept it.Promise me"Jimin said even though he is not ready to leave Jungkook.

"No"Jungkook said."He isn't going to tell us about it.If he says then I am promising"

"Good"Jimin said.

"Give me a chance to complete my senten.If he says,then I am promising that I'll move in with you wherever it is."Jungkook said and  opened  the door not leaving any space for argument.He knew that jimin is going to oppose it ofc.

"Jungkook"He whispered.

"Look,I don't know about you but once I took a decision Nobody should oppose it.You are my life."Jungkook completed.

Not knowing that someone is hearing all this conversation.

In jungkook's dad office at his home:

Knock knock

"Come in"A deep voice heard giving shivers to jimin.

Jungkook held his hand a little tighter as if he will vanish the next second.

"OH Jungkook, I was waiting for your presence"His dad said welcoming them with a smile...

"So,what's the matter?"Jungkook asked.

"I called you to discuss about your wedding"Mr.Jeon said.

"Dad,we both are just studying why marriage so soon?"Jungkook asked.

"Oh,let me make it clear...I am talking about your marriage  with clarie."Mr.Jeon said.

"No"Jungkook said.

"What?"Mr.Jeon asked.

"I said no,if I've to marry someone it would be the person standing next to me.Other than him no."Jungkook said ready to leave taking jimin with him.

They left his father's office.

Jungkook can sense jimin is gonna give him that silent treatment.

"Speak something"Jungkook said.

No response.

"Jimin"Jungkook said.

"You spoke everything"Jimin said.

"You're telling me to give up on you?"Jungkook asked.

"Give me a chance to complete my sentence. YOU SPOKE EVERYTHING RIGHT"Jimin said.

Jungkook cannot progress what jimin is telling.

"I really want some help to kiss your lips"Jimin said trying to tiptoe.

"Because you're really short"Jungkook said with a chuckle.Jimin gasped.

Jungkook is quick enough to lift him and swirl him in air kissing.

"Jungkook"His mother called him.

"Why is that my house is having so many cockblockers?"Jungkook asked.

"Maybe because you are being called for shopping with your sister?"Jimin said.

"Hell no!!!"Jungkook shouted.

He gone downstairs with jimin.

"Yes mom?"Jungkook asked.

"Go buy this groceries"Mrs.Jeon said.


One glare,Jungkook stepped out of the kitchen.

"And jimin,"

"I thought he is going to come with me"Jungkook said.

"OH,look at this boy can't be without his lover even for a minute."Mrs.Jeon said.

"Well, yes I am"Jungkook said showing his bunny smile.

"But he is going to clean your room,now leave"Mrs.Jeon ordered.

Jimin ran upstairs,he became a blushing mess already.

💫💌Will You Be My Savior?(Jikook)💌💫Where stories live. Discover now