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Few days later

"What's with your smiley dovey face?"Jisoo asked.

"Me?isn't it how I always look?"Jungkook asked with a wink.

"Aishh!!!you both fvcked last night?"Jisoo asked.

"Maybe or maybe not"He replied with a shrug.

"Jisoo,that's not something you've to know"Her mother warned.

"C'mon mom,I'm not asking how they fvcked I'm asking did they?"Jisoo mocked him again.

*glass broken*

Everyone knew its from upstairs.Everyone ran upstairs to Jungkook's room only to see jimin crouching down and his hands on his ears continuously murmuring something.

Leave me leave me leave me leave me

He continuously murmured this.

"Jimin?"Jungkook whispered.

He couldn't hear him.

"Jimin,are you okay?"He asked him.

He heard it but ignored him completely.

Jungkook went near.

"Stay away"Jimin shouted.

Jungkook was beyond shock looking at his behavior. Jungkook took an another step towards him.

"Leave otherwise I'll hurt you"He shouted again.

"You can"Jungkook whispered and took another step.

Jimin took small glass bowl in his hand and broke it in his hands.

"Jimin"Jungkook shouted.

"Leave"Jimin shouted.

"Let's leave mom"Jisoo whispered and they left closing the door.

"I won't"Jungkook said and crouched down taking his hands.

"Why not?"Jimin whispered.

"Let me treat you"Jungkook said.

"Why not?"Jimin shouted.

"Cause I love you idiot"Jungkook shouted back."Yes I love you so much that I'm ready to get hurt if it's from you and I'm ready to go through whatever shit you're going through.Understand?Now give me your hand"Jungkook said."Can you get up?"Jungkook asked.

Jimin got up and sat in the bed.Jungkook phone rang.He ignored it and continued searching for medical kit.

His phone rang again.

"You've to pick it up"Jimin said.

Jungkook picked it up still searching for medical kit.

"I'm not coming"Jungkook said.

"I said I'm not coming"Jungkook shouted making jimin to jump a little.

He hung up and threw the phone in the bed.

"Hyung"Jimin called him."Can you come sit next to me?"Jimin asked.

Jungkook got up and sat next to him.

"For almost ten minutes you were searching for medical kit not knowing that it's on the bed"Jimin said and chuckled."But that doesn't matter.Who is on the phone?"Jimin asked.

"Father"Jungkook said.

"What was he saying?"Jimin asked.

"He's asking me to go to the office " Jungkook said.

💫💌Will You Be My Savior?(Jikook)💌💫Where stories live. Discover now