Chapter 9

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"I think the electric fan is broken, I'll buy a new one." Lance frowned as he tried to turn on the electric fan, but it wasn't working. He tried hitting it with his hand and shaking it, but it didn't work.

"Let me see, I'll try to fix it." Xavian took out his tools and unplugged the electric fan.

Lance sat on the floor and curiously watched Xavain disassemble the parts of their electric fan.

"Wow, you really know how to fix a lot of things. Are you Bob the builder?" Every time there is something broken in their apartment, Xavian knows how to fix it, from the clogged sink with clay to the cabinet door that Lance accidentally broke, the ceiling that Lance accidentally kicked, and repairing the dryer on the washing machine.

Xavian is really awesome.

"I'm not good at fixing things before, I just learned from watching my neighbor." Xavian didn't have extra money to buy new appliances, and it's much cheaper to fix it himself. He used to watch the single mom next to his previous apartment fix broken appliances, that's why he learned a lot from her.

"Can I help you with anything? I want to be your assistant." Lance hopefully looked at Xavian.

"Okay, can you please pass me the screwdriver?

"Aye, Captain." Lance looked around the tool box and passed Xavian the screwdriver.

Xavian wore a loose black sando that showed off his muscular biceps as he adjusted the screw on the electric fan.

Lance looked away and wiped away the sweat on his forehead. The temperature suddenly became hotter.

Maybe it was because the fan was broken?

Speaking of hot, he looked back at Xavain and saw he was also sweating from the heat, so Lance grabbed a clean towel and wiped the sweat for him to help him a little.

"Do you want water? Juice? Coffee?" Lance asked as he took an old folder to use it to fan Xavian.

"It's ok, Mr. Assistant," Xavian chuckled. "I'm about to finish."

Lance rarely saw Xavain relax and have fun. Most of his days are spent working, going to college, studying, cooking, cleaning the dorm, and working and working.

So Lance planned to bring him to the nearest arcade.

Despite the glaring heat from the sun, Lance wore a black leather jacket and a black band shirt. His hair is tied in a messy bun as he excitedly drags Xavain towards an arcade.

"Xavian! Look an arcade!"

"Slow down, I'm running out of breath."

Xavian could feel his lungs wearing out from moving too much and the blazing heat from the sun. He was just wearing a plain gray shirt and pants, but he could still feel the sweat forming on his body.

Lance excitedly buys a lot of coins for the arcade. But before he dragged Xavian towards the basketball arcade game, he bought Xavian a cold bottle of water.

"Let's rest first, I don't want you to suddenly pass out from the heat." Lance snickered at Xavian.

Lance unscrewed the bottlecap, took a large gulp of water, and his Adams apple bobbed up and down.

The cold water felt so refreshing that Xavian almost felt energized. "Aren't you getting hot on your jacket?" After throwing the empty bottle on the trash can, Xavian couldn't help but notice Lance, who was clearly sweating but still insisted on wearing his jacket.

"Nope, it makes me look cool." Lance winked at Xavian.

Xavian could sigh as he handed Lance a clean handkerchief to wipe away his sweat. "I haven't used this yet you can use it."

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