Chapter 20

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Hello, I'm really sorry for not updating for a long time. School work and a lot of stuff drained a lot of my energy, and my sleeping schedule was really messed up during those past months. Thanks a lot for reading my story. I really appreciate your support.💕

Xavian heard footsteps in the hallway. He tensed up when the sounds seemed to get closer and closer.

The blood in his veins ran cold when the footsteps stopped right in front of his door. A shiver runs down in his spine, he could clearly see a shadowy silhouette beneath his door.

Someone is outside.

And that realization terrified Xavian.

It was eerily quiet, all Xavian could hear was the erratic beating of his heart. Suddenly he saw the doorknob turn, but the door didn't open.

Xavian's mind was racing, his hands were already hovering on his phone screen, ready to call the police or anyone that could help him.

But before he could do anything, he heard a familiar rattle of keys. There was a click, and the doorknob turned. The person outside tried to open the door, making the drawer blocking it creak and rattle.

"Xavian, are you there?"

Relief washed over Xavian when he heard a familiar voice his body instantly relaxed.

His body felt weak and heavy, but Xavian forced himself to stand up and remove the drawer that was blocking the door.

The door opened, and before Xavian could react, he felt a familiar, warm embrace engulfing him. In as instance, his mind and body relaxed as if all his defenses had melted away.

"You're back..."

"I'm back," Lance reassured as he tightened his embrace on Xavian's body. He could clearly hear the sense of vulnerability in Xavian's voice. 

"Did you miss me?" Lance playfully asked in hopes of lifting Xavian's mood.

Xavian didn't answer for a while, he just closed his eyes and rested his chin on top of Lance's head. 

Lance studied Xavian's appearance, his hair is disheveled, his lips are pale, and there is a certain tiredness in his eyes. Lance wanted to ask Xavian what happened, but if he did that, he might make Xavian feel worse.

Lance felt relieved that he listened to his instincts and rushed towards their dorm.

Lance felt like there's something missing during their call. Xavian's voice is very similar to when he was in the park, as if he had cried and suppressed his emotions.

So what did Lance do? Wearing only his pajamas, he rushed towards Xavian to check if he was fine.

Call him OA or overprotective, but he is worried about Xavian.

"Are you ok? Do you want to tell me what happened?" Lance felt Xavian tensed up a bit. "Only if you're comfortable. Um, do you want to drink some coffee?" Lance quickly added.

Xavian debated whether he should tell Lance or not. He knew he could trust Lance, but he didn't want to burden him with his problems.

"Don't frown too much." Lance smoothed out the crease between Xavian's eyebrows. "I'm here for you, Xavian. You can tell me anything." 

Xavian hesitated for awhile. "I'm thinking of moving out...I'll probably need to find another place where I could stay." Xavian didn't want to leave, but he knew that if he stayed here longer, Lance would be dragging into his problems.

"You're moving out?" Lance didn't know what to feel, he didn't want Xavian to leave, but who is he to stop Xavian from leaving?

He's not even Xavian's boyfriend.

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