Chapter 19

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After what happened, Xavian thought that Javier would stop bothering him.

However, it seems that things only get worse. For The past few days, he felt like someone was watching him.

Following him around like a shadow.

There's a sudden anxiety that fell on Xavian at that moment. It was already dark outside, and Xavian went to a crowded place where the lights from the store illuminated his surroundings. However, he could still feel it. The footsteps that seem to blend with his own and the flash of red hair that immediately disappear like it was only his mere illusion

Xavian saw a Jeep, he immediately stopped it and rode it. Despite the crowded seats and the loud music that blasts his ears, he felt a lot safer inside the Jeep.

Xavian can feel his shirt clinging against his skin because of sweat. He slowly relaxed when the Jeep moved fast, luckily, there was not much traffic.

Xavain took out his worn-out wallet and paid for his fare. The passenger next to him passed his payment towards the driver.

He looked out the window and saw a familiar red car following closely behind the jeep. Paranoia and anger course through Xavian's veins, his eyes almost burning holes through the tinted windows of the car.

Why can't Javier just leave him alone?

These past few days, Javier has been stalking him and watching his every move. Lance tried to convince him to report Javier to the police for his endless stalking and harassment. However, Xavian didn't do it at first because he thought Javier would stop eventually.

But his stalking only got worse as each day passed. Xavain started receiving texts and calls from an unknown number. 

Xavian received all kinds of incessant harassment, it also came to the point where Lance started receiving death threats.

This time, he felt something inside of him explode.

Xavian knew Javier was behind all of this.

What made Xavian decide that this was enough was when Lance started to receive threats from unknown numbers.

He reported it to the police, but the case is still under investigation, and evidence is still needed to prove that it was Javier who has been harassing them.

Xavain couldn't capture the license plate of the car that is following the Jeep because his phone is an old model and doesn't have a camera.

Xavain felt like his throat was being constricted by anger, his hands balled into fists. It was an unbearable feeling that made him want to be reckless and end all of his problems with his own hands.


He forced himself to calm down, it might be a lot more dangerous to personally confront Javier. For years he had been with Javier, Xavian knew what kind of person he was and what he was capable of.

A few minutes have passed since the car stopped following the jeep, yet Xavian is still on guard.

When he reached his location, Xavain got out of the Jeep. He put his keys in between his fingers for self-defense. The surroundings are so quiet that Xavian didn't know if they calmed him or worsened his anxious thoughts.

Each step he took felt like there were sharp claws looming around him, ready to drag him back to the darkness.

Suddenly there was a loud crash behind him. Xavian tensed up. He saw something flash on his peripheral vision.

It was a cat.

There's a chubby orange cat playing with a plastic bag. Xavian's tense nerves slowly relaxed, he checked his surroundings again before rushing towards his dorm.

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