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Picture of Megan on the side ♥

Enjoy xx


The bell rang, signlaling the end of the most horrible school day ever!

I could say, I would rather repeat the year 9 incident of what happened between Harry and I, than live this day.

So technically, what happened between Harry and I's argument and now is this.

Rumours that I like Harry.

It is the most digusting thing I have ever heard of in my life. And I know, who ever made up that rumour is soon going to be beaten up by Harry.

I walk out of E4, the maths block as I enter the corridor where the rush of leaving the school made me tumble over a little. I walk in my heels as I feel the presence of my best friends around me.

"Hey.." I mumble. They all greeted me back with a smile but I kept my head down.

I turn left to head towards te front of the school, but I was stopped by someone clearing their throat. I turn back to see the girls were going straight ahead, into the music and art rooms.

"Umm.. Av? It's Monday? Remember?" Poppy says with a confused look on her face.

Mondays. Why did it have to be today? I just want to go home and relax, but never come back. Every Monday, us girls will go to the music rooms and just chill. Like in the mornings, but the afternoon sessions seemed to be a little better.

"Yeah.. whatevs" I say walking back to the girls. Maybe they can make me feel a little better.


We all sung as Megan played the final chord to the song. We all stayed in a 5 second slience before Lilly shouts.


"Umm.. what?" I say glancing at the girls

"THAT YOU LIKE HARRY?!" Lilly looks kind of angry. Over protective stalker?

"Of course not Lil. I hate him so much!" I look down in disgust as I scoff.

"I don't see how. He's so hot!" Poppy giggles. I swear I could puke.

Yes. He was hot, but a person is only hot if their personality is also good.

"Oh shut up you two. You sound obsessive" Megan demands. We all laugh for a bit before Megan starts talking again.

"This morning was good Av! You really had him lost for words when you stormed off." 

"What do you mean?" I ask

Be Your Last First Kiss - A Harry Styles Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now