Antiseptic and Anticipation

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Short chapter.




"JUST CALL THE HOSPITAL HARRY!" She tried to scream but it came out weak and hoarse. 

"OKAY!" I say water brimming at my eyes. The sight was horrible. I thought she cut herself but it wasn't it. I didn't know what it was. I dialled for an ambulance to come pick her up as I stayed by her side trying to calm her down.

But it wasn't working..


I ran to the bathroom. That feeling was in my stomach again. I knew I was going to throw up again. But why? It's been a month from Louis and my encounter and hours ago from the cabin. So why am I throwing up?

I really don't get it.

I ran to the toilet and waited to throw up but it never came. I leant over the toilet waiting for it to come. I heard Harry walk around downstairs as I threw my guts up once again.

But something was different this time.

There was blood..

I stared at it with wide eyes. I know what I know and throwing up blood isn't normal! I could have a loose tooth or something? Could I?

I stood up from the toilet to flush it. I walk about to walk out as peircing pain hit my stomach. I didn't know what it was but I fell to the tiled floor. If my hands didn't react I would of his my head on the floor cracking my head open. I started to cough loudly, spurting out stuff from my throat. As I opened my eyes after my coughing attack, I saw the red liquid splattered everywhere.

I tried to call for Harry but my voice was hoarse and low. Almost inaudible. What was going on? I was freaking out like hell, curling up in a ball of fear as Harry appeared outside of my bathroom.



"Can I come in?"

"Harry please.. just--"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD" He says with fear in his eyes as I close mine.

"Call the hospital"



"OKAY!" He immediately dialled for the hospital as the pain in my stomach became worse. It felt like  a blunt pin was being pushed into my neverending body. I felt like ripping my skin just to get the 'pin' out but that wasn't the case. Harry talked on the phone and put it back in his pants after. He came by my side and put my head on his lap, trying to make me feel safe. I did feel safe but not much better, pain wise.

"What happened?" He asked as I shook my head. I don't think I could speak anymore. I don't even think I would be able to keep my eyes open much longer either.

"Don't leave me Av.." He whispered with his emerald eyes closed.

'I wont' I said in my head. I didn't say promise though because I really didn't know what was going to happen to me..

I saw the dark black spots in my vision. I started to droop my eyes down and the last thing I saw was the boy with a mop of curls and green eyes.



She was lying in the hospital bed, getting tested. I was so worried about her. I haven't seen her awake since we've been at the house, which was 4 hours ago. Avery's mum and brother came around an hour ago, as worried as I was. I wanted to cry but I need to be strong. For Avery.

I saw the nurses walk out of the enclosed area. I couldn't see inside or out so I have no clue if she was dead or alive. The nursed had unreadable expression on their faces as I walked up to one.

"How is she?"

"She's fine" She smiled. "But.."

Great. There's always a but.

"How long has this been going on for? The throwing up I mean?"

"Um.. it started around a month and a half ago"

"A MONTH AND A HALF?!" Avery's mum cried as I nodded. I can't believe Avery never told her.

"Alright. Thank you...."

"Harry" I smiled.

"Alright. Just stay here. The doctor will come talk to you and your family in a moment" She grinned but it soon faded once she walked away. 

It made my body shiver when she said 'me and my family'. Did she think I was a brother? Did she think I was married to her?

I don't know..

After 10 minutes of waiting, a doctor was called for us to enter her room. We obliged and walked into the antiseptic scented room to be meeted with the nicely dressed male doctor. I saw Avery, lying still like she was being put into the ambulance. Multiple machines where hooked onto her body, pumping in fluids to keep her alive. 

Something that made me freeze was how low her heart rate was.

"Hello, Ms Turner and family" He greeted in a low tone.

"Hello" We all say. Josh was crying his eyes out onto his mother's thigh.

"So I called you on about Avery's testing and we found out something interesting" He sighed looking at his clipboard.

"And you are..?" He eyed me.


"Okay, Harry Turner--"

"Um.. it's Harry Styles" I interrput as he apologises.

"Oh.. I'm sorry but its family only" The doctor explained to Av's mum as she shook her head.

"Please. Just let him stay. He's her boyfriend"

That makes this situation more awkward..

"Alright then, but please keep this information confidential" We both nod as he gulpes and exhales loudly.

"So Mr Styles, you said she'd been throwing up often since a month and a half ago?"

"Yes.." I say worriedly, my voice was now shaking.

"Well that is perfect symptoms, blood in vomit, pain in stomach" He starts ticking down the list on the clipboard as Av's mum and I waited in anticipation.

"I'm sorry Miss Turner and Mr Styles but Avery had stomach cancer"

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