Isn't he lovely?

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This one goes for agesssss (:

Also, I would like feedback, ti gives me motivation, ya knw? (:

Enjoy xxxx


"Oh dear god.." I mutter as I tighten the grip on the bedsheet I was holding.

"Avery.. I-I-I.."

"NO HARRY.. Just... don't..." I started to sob as I fell to the ground in tears.

"We could always check?"

"Harry.. what if I am pregnant? What will happen?!"

"Just.. we won't worry about that now. Let's just--"

"Calm down? Great fucking plan Harry.."

"Avery. Shut up. Let's just make sure no one hears about this and we will talk on Monday. Okay?"

"Whatever" I cried. 

I look around my room, noticing my clothes were a no show in here. "Harry?"

"Yeah.." i notice he was looking for his clothes too.

"Clothes?" I mutter.

"I don't know.." He trailed off as he looked as if an idea popped in his head. "Shit"

"WHAT!?" I shouted as he ran out of the room with the bed sheet around his naked body. I followed him out holding the blanket firmly. We get down stairs to the kitchen area as Harry starts looking around.

"Nope. No.. Nope Nope.." He mutters looking through cabinets and other nooks and crannies.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper yelled looking at his direction. I look up to see out the window to the outside area as I notice something in the clear blue pool.

"Our clothes" I mumble as I run to the back. Harry was still searching inside as I look at our clothes and underwear floating in the middle of the pool.

"Hey Harry!" I called as I hear him groan in pain. He comes outside a few secons later rubbing the top of his head with his hand.

"I hit my head while looking" He whined as I laughed. He pulls a stupid face before asking "What's wrong?"

I simply point out our clothes floating in the middle of the pool. He grins at the sight of them as I stare in confusion.

"You wanna go for an afternoon swim?" He smirks as I stop him from getting closer to me. 

"Nope. We aren't going in the pool"

"That's not what you said last night" He pulled a puppy face as I send daggers. "Oh come on!"

"No Harry.. last night, wasn't..." I sighed "Real"

"It was babe. Now come on!"

"No. When I get my clothes, I'm getting out of here"

"Yes. When YOU get your clothes" He grins widely before running to me and picking me up bridal style.

"HARRY LET GO!" I screamed making sure the bedsheet doesn't fall off now.

"Okey Dokey" He smirked again as he looks aimlessly around the backyard.

"Oh no! I mean--" Was all I could say before being dropped into the pool. the coldness of the water surrounded me as I feel every part of my body come alive. I reach the surface of the water covering myself with the large blanket.

"HARRY FUCKING STYLES!" I say through gritted teeth as he roars with laughter.

"My name is Harold" He says all too seriously. I decided to play hurt.

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