2 - Gary Visits

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Avery's POV

After my chat with the girls, I drove back home. I was kind of tired after the last day of school so I let out a big breath.

Once I arrived, I closed my car door and ringed my house's doorbell. No one answered though. Which was strange. . . My mom is always home before me. Why is she not answering?

I ringed the doorbell again.

Still no answer.

After not receiving anything for 3 minutes, I took my keys from my backpack and opened the door myself. Yeah, I know, I'm lazy.

When I opened it, I heard people talking. I don't know where though.

"Mom?" I called out.

"Sorry just a minute, I think that's Avery." I heard my mom apologize. Who's she saying sorry to?

"Avery hon!" My mom surprisingly say as she came down the stairs.

"What's going on? Who were you talking to upstairs?" I curiously asked while putting my bag down on the couch.

"We have a very nice visitor with us Avery!" My mom widely smiled.

"Cool. I'll leave the visitor and you to talk but if you need me I'll be in the kitchen eating." I said not bothering who this "visitor" is. But before I can make my way to the kitchen, my mom grabbed my arm.

"Avery, someone that you know and haven't seen in a long time is upstairs. Go upstairs and meet him." My mom gently said to me.

I groaned and walked up the stairs, "Fine. But if it's one of your workers-" I was suddenly stopped when my body was bumped into a tall, nice bodied person. Wait. . . It's my cousin!

"Gary!" I squealed as I jumped to hug him.

"You still remember that nickname but you still don't remember the part of calling me that?" Gareth jokingly asked rolling his eyes playfully.

Gareth is my Welsh cousin. He's a footballer and plays for the football club called Real Madrid.

"I haven't seen you in months!" I happily said.

"Yeah, I know." Gareth smiled pulling us apart. Now that we've pulled apart. I could take a better look at my cousin.

"Oh my gosh you have a chin strap! And your hair is longer too!" I squeaked touching his hair very carefully.

"Don't touch the hair. I spent months growing it so back off." Gareth playfully glared. I laughed.

"So what made you come and visit the best?" I joked. He chuckled.

"Aunt Ashley, tell her." Gareth said motioning his hand to the red headed guardian and to the blonde.

"Well Avery, your father and I have noticed that you don't enjoy summer as much anymore. Like you don't go outside as much anymore. It hurts to see our daughter like that you know. So... We thought you could spend your summer with Gareth." My mom explained grinning ear to ear.

"Wait what? When am I going with him?" I asked shocked.

"Tonight." My mom and my cousin answered at the same time.

"What? Whoah hold the freaking fridge! Mom, Tonight?! Are you guys crazy?" I asked in disbelief.

"Honey, we planned this a long time ago because you never hang out with people anymore. Like not bringing your friends over anymore. It looks like you've been sad and depressed." My mom said trying to explain.

"I was right! You guys are crazy! Mom, I'm going to my friends' party next week on Monday!" I tried giving my mom an excuse.

"Well I guess you're not going to that party." My mom coldy say. "Besides, the flight is booked tonight as well. We can't cancel."

"I'm going to Spain? Like where Gareth lives?" My mouth opened shocker than earlier.

"Honey it's only going to be for 2 months! It's not that long." My mom motivated me.

"Ree it's going to be all fine. You'll be surprised how beautiful it is in Spain. You're going to meet couple of my friends too!" Gareth slightly smiled.

"Okay. I'm guessing you packed my stuff?" I asked mom. She nodded. "Can I just go run to my friends and say goodbye?"

"Of course." My mom hugged me.

a/n: gary lmao.

yo who wants to be in avery's position right bc me too.


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