24 - Message

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a/n: cristiano and sergio's relationship in a gif.

It was in the afternoon. The first team including Avery was sitting in a thoughtful circle, looking blank.

"Hey, it's been silent for the past 10 minutes." Marcelo stated, looking again at his watch.

"Yeah, what are we doing?" James asked everyone. No one looked his way. Most of them wasn't paying attention to anyone and decided to just sit there in the formed circle without doing, or saying, anything.

"Guys?" Cristiano trailed. He frowned when he failed to caught everyone's attention and sighed.

"That's it, I need a snack." Marcelo announced. He tried to stand up but before he could, Karim beside him pulled his hand so he wouldn't move anywhere.

Karim set him down again and explained, "We're just thinking."

Marcelo looked at him in disbelief, "Well thinking about what?" He hissed.

"I don't know, but I really love this presence around me." Karim answered with a weird smile put to his face.

"Well I don't," Marcelo quietly opposed, "I don't even understand this. I thought this was a thoughtful circle, not an empty circle!"

Toni, to the other side of Marcelo, put his hand on Marcelo's knees and turned to him, "Can you shut up?" Marcelo opened his mouth, offended by the Toni's words. He crossed his arms and finally stayed quiet.

A few seconds later, Avery let out a slight relieving sigh to herself and spoke, "Okay guys, what are we doing today?" She looked at everyone and noticed they still had the same blanked expression on their faces. "Hey! I asked all of you a question!"

"Huh? Sorry we wasn't paying attention." Sergio said to the blonde, confused.

Avery rolled her eyes, "I said what are we doing today?"

It has been a week since the water incident in the living room and everyone was grounded, stated by Gareth. Even the ones not involved was still grounded for a week. But now that it has been a week, they can finally do something. Although their faces don't really seem that way. It looks like that one quiet week has affected them very much from doing anything productive.

"I feel like staying home?" Isco offered. Avery gave him an "are you serious" look.

"Look, guys, were not grounded anymore. Let's do something fun today!" Avery suggested while standing up from her crossed leg position.

"Okay, then what fun can we do?" Sergio asked. Avery was just about to reply to Sergio until Cristiano's phone ringed a notification.

"Oh sorry, it was just a text message." Cristiano informed everyone after checking his phone.

"From who?" James asked.

"From someone." Cristiano bluntly answered. James gave him a suspicious look.

"Why didn't you text them back?" James asked another question.

"Because were having a discussion?" Cristiano also copied James' face.

"What the fuck?!" Sergio shouted. Everyone turned to him and he had Cristiano's phone on his hand, probably looking at this "someone's" text message.

"Hey, give me my phone back!" Cristiano yelled at Sergio, trying to take his phone away from him. Sergio dodged his movement and began to read his text message.

"It's from N-" Cristiano covered Sergio's mouth before he could complete the full name. Raphael shook his head and stood up from his comfortable position and took Cristiano's phone away.

"It says: Hey Cristiano! Do you wanna do something cool today bro?" Raphael read as if it was actually the person saying it.

"From who?" Avery curiously asked. Cristiano took his hand away from Sergio's mouth and flew to Raphael to stop him . . . Which of course the French also dodged. Cristiano winced on the floor, hurt from the impact when he landed on the ground.

"It's from- wait what the hell?" Raphael spoke in realization. He squinted his eyes to make sure he saw the name right.

"N-no, Rapha don't do this!" Cristiano begged the French.

"Why in the world do you have his number?!" Raphael spoke out in a mix of confusion and anger.

"Trust me, I can explain." Cristiano pleaded. "Just give me my phone back."

Avery rolled her eyes and stood up furiously taking the phone instead, "The message was sent from- wait what the- Neymar?" Everyone's eyes widened.

"What in the world are you saying?"


"Cristiano, what the fuck?"

"Why would all of people would you have his number?!"

"Please give good explanation for this."

"Okay, okay! Everyone shut up!" Cristiano yelled at his teammates, who was bawling all over him. "I'll fucking explain." The team shut their mouths and let Cristiano talk.

"You see, a few back in the months when it was the Ballon d'Or, I met him. He was a cool guy to talk with-"

"Are you gay." Sergio asked in a serious facial expression.

"Shut the fuck up!" Cristiano shushed Sergio, "Now . . . he was a cool guy to talk with, and he seemed really different outside the pitch. I know you guys might dislike his guts just because he plays for our rival team, but seriously, he's not that bad." Cristiano convinced his enraged teammates. Everyone sighed at him and sat on the couch.

"I guess we're very thankful you explained." Luka said to Cristiano. The Portuguese smiled.

"Yeah, I thought you both might've been dating behind our backs ya' know." Sergio thought loudly. Cristiano slapped the side of his head.

"So, what are you going to message him back?" Avery asked, making the rest turn their attention to her subject.

"Erm, I don't know. Maybe I will go and hang with him." Cristiano answered.

"Wait, I have a good idea." Toni raised his hand up.

"What is it Toni?" Cristiano asked.

"How about we all spend time with him and his teammates today?"

"Toni, bro, are you serious?" Sergio asked, a little too uncertain. The German noticed that everyone else was also a bit not too certain about his idea.

"Trust me guys. All these years we have spent ourselves hating FC Barcelona. Maybe we can learn to respect them as our friends. Football is all about respect." Toni gave his speech. James loudly cry.

"That was beautiful!" James complimented. Isco put his arms around him and held his head to help him recover.

Cristiano smiled, "I'm actually kind of convinced . . . ."

"Sure . . . ." Everyone agreed.

"Good, now Cristiano, text Neymar and see if we can do it." Luka told the Portuguese. Cristiano nodded and did as he was told.

a/n: here's an update i promised ! was suppose to update yesterday but it's only a day late right?

and chile won copa america!! good for them. and messi missed a penalty during the penalty shootout which was just awful.

now copa america is done, im gonna focus on euros!!

who do you guys support? i support france, portugal, and wales.

tbh i don't really support portugal because they have a bad team (sorry to be rude) but i guess im only supporting them since cristiano is portuguese. i will always support him <3

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