4 - Airplane and Airport

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It takes about an hour and a half to get to Los Angeles' airport. I've been to both airport and airplane before. It wasn't great. It was when I was eleven years old when my mom and I had to go to United Kingdom to visit my dad. And now I'm 18. It's been a long time. Neither my mom or me know what my dad is up to now. He stopped getting in touch with us a couple of weeks after our visit.

I don't know why though and I don't really care.

But anyways, my first airplane. . .  It was really bad. Let's just say I was a total rebel when I was little. I purposely got lost in the airport once because the line was long. My mom had to call the securities to look for me. It was really funny. But then I got punished for doing that once my mom found out that it wasn't on an accident. And you know what else? It was suppose to be our turn in the line but then my mom obviously went to look for me so the plane left us. We had to wait for another 4 hours. That's when I realized not to do that.

Suddenly, I was interrupted when I heard a phone vibrate.

"Oh Avery," Gareth sneaked a quick glance at the phone, "that's my phone. Can you check who texted me real quick?"

"Yeah sure." I took the phone and turned it on. "What's your password?"

"Uh, 4589." I pressed the numbers down and got in. "Wait Ave,"

"Hm?" Tearing my eyes away from the screen.

"Don't tell other people my password okay? It's just that my friends would always try to get in and hack my medias and other sh*ts. It's annoying." I laughed. I know how it feels like to be hacked by my friends.

"Yeah don't worry monkey." He smiled.

I checked the text message.

Iker: Hey Gareth! Just wanted to tell you that I'm on my way to the airport right now.

"Gareth, there's a text by Iker. He said he's on his way to the airport right now." I told him.

He nodded, "Text back that we will be there in an hour."

"Okay." I mumbled.

Gareth: We'll be there in an hour.

I clicked send before putting down the phone.

"You know, the name sounds really familiar." I mumbled to Gareth in thoughts.

"The name Iker?" Gareth asked.

"Yeah. Isn't he Real Madrid's starting goalkeeper?" I raised questioningly raised my eyebrows.

"Yep, he's my man." Gareth nodded.

I started to look at his group chats and came through "the lucky gooses" group chat. They we're spamming. I didn't want to click on it though.

Curious, I asked Gareth about it, "Hey who's in this group chat called "the lucky gooses"?"

His eyes widened and sighed, "Is it spamming right now?"

"Yes." My response made him roll his eyes and groan loudly.

"It's my group chat with my friends. They spam all the time and I'm sick of it. Sometimes I want to leave it but I can't or they will kick my ass at training."

"Training? You mean this is your group chat with the Real Madrid team?" I asked.

"Uh huh, It's stressful." Gareth replied.

"I don't know anything that can go wrong." He turned to me while his hands are still in the steering wheel.

He shook his head. I shrugged and clicked on the group chat.

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