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"What the hell? How is the score 0-6?!" I whined as Sergio's player celebrates his goal.

Sergio enraged me with his d*ck attitude while playing FIFA. Like hello?! That was a foul referee! Gosh even refs on FIFA are dumb. That's probably the only thing FIFA made realistic connected to the game of football in real life.

"Okay I got tons of reasons why the score is like that," Sergio started. I closed my eyes facing him. I knew I wasn't going to listen to him anyways.

"First reason why you suck at this game, your are playing against Sergio Ramos," I groaned. "two, this is your first time playing this game." Sergio pointed out to me.

I rolled my eyes, "That's a ton of reasons alright."

"Excuse me?" Sergio faked gasped, offended, "I'm an adult here and you listen to me kid."

I looked at him as if he was crazy, "Why are you mad? I just pointed something out like you. Besides you're like 7."

"Um no I am not. I'm actually 29." Sergio sassily informed me.

"Yeah but you don't act like one." I concluded. Sergio just rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

"Do you have a girlfriend or a wife?" I curiously asked the older guy. He turned away from the video game and looked at me weirdly.

"I don't like you-"

"That's not what I'm trying to ask noob." I face palmed. Why would he think I like him. God this guy need to stop drinking.

"Oh... Uh no why?" Sergio answered understanding me now.

"Cause' your 29. I thought you would've been married by now. Well before Marcelo told me you bring a girl home at least once a week."

"Don't tell me you're scolding me for doing that too." Sergio said pausing the game. He crossed both of his legs and arms and looked at me to continue.

I turned to him, "I'm not. I'm just curious."

"I only do that to get things off my head that's all." Sergio stuttered, placing the Xbox controller down.

"What things on your head?" I spoke thinking there had to be something behind it. Sergio bit his lip. I could see his eyes trying not to water but he hid it and shook his head.

"I'll tell you about it someday but not today." Sergio said getting up. I stopped him and grabbed his arm.

"Hey even though I'm 18, doesn't mean I don't know anything." I informed Sergio.

He looked at me and smiled before walking away.


I left the game room right after me and Sergio finished our little talk.

I think Sergio had some heart breaking past with someone he used to date. Even married. Honestly, just the thought of that is sad.

I asked the others such as my cousin about Sergio. He was actually just as curious as I am. He said nobody knew what happened to him. Just one day he started to become frivolous. It got me really worried about him. It isn't even 4 days to my summer break here in Spain and I'm already treating Sergio like a big brother. More specifically, two hours ago when we talked.

But right now I am currently in the kitchen on my phone eating cereal. It's not even the morning but sometimes I just wanna eat cereal in the middle of the day.

Right after Marcelo and Cristiano posted the picture of me on the internet, the picture has been going on on football accounts. It's ridiculous. I don't even know why they want to even do something with it because It's just a picture of me with things drawn on my face. What's the point?

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