19 - Curiosity

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Third Person

It turns out that Marcelo, Cristiano, and Pepe told the rest of the team about Avery and Isco. They were really surprised about it but that didn't really stop the rest of the team to help the boat sail.

Of course, the three had to tell Gareth, and of course they were scared of his reaction.

Gareth have always been protected over his younger cousin that he treat Avery like his own daughter.

But it came down and Marcelo, Pepe, and Cristiano decided to speak.

6 hours ago:

"Okay." Gareth replied to his teammates that were behind him.

Gareth was doing some work while Marcelo and the others were talking to him from behind.

"So you're okay with that?" Marcelo asked. Gareth hummed.

"You're not even going to kill Isco?" Cristiano asked, certainly.

"Nope." Gareth calmly answered.

"I don't get this." Pepe bursted out.

"What do you mean?" Gareth asked while writing something down on a piece of paper.

"You are perfectly fine with Isco liking Avery!" Marcelo shouted with amusement.

"Yes and I have good reasons to." Gareth cleared up. This caught attentions.

"What is it?" Cristiano commanded.

Gareth turned around and was faced by eyes surrounding his face.

"I will tell you if you back off a little bit." Gareth said while giving them a weird face. The three did what he told them to do and stepped out.

Gareth sighed, "I shouldn't be worried with Isco since he is the only trusted person I know that would be right for Avery."

"You sound like you're her father." Pepe stated. Gareth gave him a glare and Pepe immediately turned silent.

Cristiano faked coughed and slapped Pepe with the back of his hand. In response, Pepe winced quietly and rubbed the back of his head.

"Okay so I guess we're all good, okay, bye Gareth." Marcelo smiled and waved before dragging the other two forcibly with them outside.


The sound of knuckles hitting against the mansion's door made Avery look up from her phone.

"It better be those idiots." Avery muttered to herself while furiously walking to the door. She opened the door and was faced by Marcelo.

"Hey Avery!" Marcelo smiled. Avery gave him a look but before she knew it she was also faced by other people.

"Looks like you guys are still together." Avery said in sarcasm.

"Yep!" They all said before walking inside.

Isco walked down the stairs and immediately started to get confused.

"Hey Disco, did you have fun today?" Sergio teased.

"What?" Isco asked in confusion. Luka hit Sergio in the back of his head and whispered to him.

"Anyways," Luka started, "how's your guys' day?" Isco and Avery gave each other a weird look before turning back to look at them.

"Actually, I think we should be asking that question." Avery said.

"Yeah, how was your guys' day?" Isco asked with hint of suspicion on his voice.

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